Author Topic: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade  (Read 54119 times)


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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #300 on: May 21, 2022, 05:21:59 AM »

Maybe she can find a defrocked or renegade priest to administer it in a back room somewhere.

I'm not signing this one so G-d won't know who posted it.

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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #301 on: May 21, 2022, 07:33:15 AM »
Not sure what to make of this:

At one the clinics around here, students from a nearby "seminary" have been known to escort women to and from the parking lot.
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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #302 on: May 21, 2022, 09:00:19 AM »
Well remember, religious views should ONLY be a litmus test when the left is judging the right.

The other way around? Well that's just an incredibly unconstitutional stance to take.
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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #303 on: May 21, 2022, 09:29:28 AM »
Meanwhile the left keeps the old traditions of stoning and burning heretics alive for anyone who dares question their religion
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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #304 on: May 21, 2022, 11:12:17 AM »
Not sure what to make of this:

The ELCA has come out in support of abortion.  There are idiots willing to twist scripture in many directions.

They try to claim they’re following god’s call to be compassionate.  How helping a woman murder her child is compassionate is beyond me.  If she’s so poor she’s worried about being able to feed the kid, compassion would be helping them find the resources (welfare, job training for her or baby-daddy, etc) to be able to afford to care for the child.  If she’s in a domestic violence situation compassion would be helping her escape that domestic violence, not putting her right back into it.  If she was a rape victim (and let’s also be clear here that rape accounts for at absolute most 2% of abortions, and probably a lot less than that) compassion would be helping her through the process of reporting and prosecuting the rape and healing from the trauma (mental as well as physical) of the violence of the rape.

And in all cases compassion for the child would entail informing the woman of alternatives to abortion, whether that meant helping her find the resources to raise it herself or give it up for adoption.

And before anyone trots out the “necessary to save the life of the mother” there is no such thing as abortion being necessary to save the life of mother.  There are medical treatments that are known to result in fetal death that are necessary to save the mother.  But the death of the child is an unfortunate side effect of saving the mother.  Yes, there are cases where a pregnancy must be ended to save the mother but in those cases deliberately killing the child is not required.  Premature delivery may required, and it’s possible the child could die as a result, but outright killing them is unnecessary to the goal of saving the mother.

Someone will probably say “Well, what about ectopic pregnancy?  You want to make the mom bleed to death or die of infection rather than save her life by aborting the pregnancy!!”  An ectopic pregnancy (defined as any time a zygote attempts to implant outside the uterus, most commonly but not exclusively in the Fallopian tube) is not viable (like maybe 1 in 100,000 being able to carry to viability is extremely generous odds).  If tubal it’s categorically impossible to carry to anything close to viability, let alone full term.  So the baby is not going survive no matter what anyone does.  So treating the woman to save her life and future fertility is the goal.  That is not “abortion”.  Even though fetal death is a necessary outcome of the treatment in that case, it is not the express goal.  Even the most hard-core religious pro-lifers I know don’t consider treating an ectopic pregnancy as an abortion.
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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #305 on: May 21, 2022, 11:38:43 AM »
^^^Up until this very moment, I had no idea that anyone considered managing an ectopic pregnancy to be an abortion.  If diagnosed early enough, we use methotrexate and this preserves future fertility without damaging the Fallopian tube.  If diagnosed later, surgery is the usual option.
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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #306 on: May 21, 2022, 11:42:57 AM »
^^^Up until this very moment, I had no idea that anyone considered managing an ectopic pregnancy to be an abortion.  If diagnosed early enough, we use methotrexate and this preserves future fertility without damaging the Fallopian tube.  If diagnosed later, surgery is the usual option.

It’s mostly far left pro-abortion (not just “choice”) activists that trot that out to try an make pro-lifers look ridiculous to those on the fence.
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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #307 on: May 21, 2022, 12:05:05 PM »
^^^Up until this very moment, I had no idea that anyone considered managing an ectopic pregnancy to be an abortion.
I hadn’t either. I guess there are extremists on every side. I wonder if the people who would consider treating an ectopic pregnancy to be abortion make up a smaller or larger percent of the anti-abortion camp than the percentage of the pro-abortion camp who believe late-term or immediate post-birth abortions should be legal.


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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #308 on: May 21, 2022, 03:44:00 PM »
In other news, Pelosi's archbishop has formally notified her that she is not to present herself for Holy Communion and, if she does so anyway, the officiant is not to administer Communion to her.

So much for her claims that she is a "devout, practicing Catholic" and that her pro-abortion stance is in keeping with Roman Catholic teaching and theology.

{Edit} Oops. 230RN beat me to it.
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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #309 on: May 21, 2022, 05:10:08 PM »
You're behind the times on that one, Hawk...
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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #310 on: May 21, 2022, 05:20:31 PM »
3rd post  :rofl:
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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #311 on: May 21, 2022, 05:36:06 PM »
And they were racist AF about it still.  Most of them wanted to ship the poor benighted negroes across the Pond to Liberia; nevermind they weren't born there, and more than likely even their grandparents weren't born there.

Northern anti-slavery was about the 3/5 compromise in representation, along with profits from industrialization and replacing the low-tech meat machine slaves that presented no profit for Northern industrial concerns, with modern 19th century machinery to reduce labor (that was produced in Northern States).

While at the same time the location with the largest population of slaves per capita was Manhattan.


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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #312 on: May 22, 2022, 01:18:43 AM »
The most pertinent things I take away from the slavery comparison are that just because religious extremists are the first to notice a particular moral crisis, doesn’t automatically make it less important or the violations less heinous. Secondly, that it doesn’t require that you be religious at all to abhor either slavery or abortion.  Finally, just as there were plenty of churchgoing slave owners there are plenty of pro-abortion people who are religious. Having a religious tradition doesn’t always help you to see injustice, especially if the position morality requires is unpopular or inconvenient.

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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #314 on: May 23, 2022, 11:21:09 AM »
The San Francisco Examiner editorial board is "demanding" that the Pope remove Archbishop Cordileone:

Even by San Francisco standards, that is some arrogant presumption (dare I say "chutzpah"?)

These editorial boards all think they are "make or break" Kingmakers. It's some kind of arrogance they all have going on.
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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #315 on: May 23, 2022, 11:42:55 AM »
Are we surprised?

at all?

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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #316 on: May 24, 2022, 05:33:35 PM »
Because of Amy Coney Barrett, one day a kid might end up reading a book about her because his mother couldn't abort him.
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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #317 on: May 24, 2022, 10:57:30 PM »
A few years ago, it came out that a local minister's wife was working at an abortion clinic.  The woman and her husband did not see any issue with it.


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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #318 on: May 26, 2022, 03:07:54 PM »

Nancy Pelosi Draws Up Articles Of Impeachment Against The Pope
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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #319 on: June 06, 2022, 05:07:28 PM »
The last guy set himself on fire you coward

Abortion and climate activist scales the barricades around the Supreme Court, chains himself to fence
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Angel Eyes

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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #320 on: June 06, 2022, 09:11:05 PM »
Things are getting sporty in Joel Osteen's church:

Not sure what the green "hands" are about.
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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #321 on: June 06, 2022, 09:30:36 PM »

Not sure what the green "hands" are about.

From the story I posted above

He explains that the green bandana is inspired by a pro-choice movement in Latin America that uses the same.

— Ford Fischer (@FordFischer) June 6, 2022

I guess green is now pro-"choice"?

Now I'm getting Soylent Green vibes. It's babies!  [barf]
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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #322 on: June 07, 2022, 12:54:34 PM »
They left their underwear on?  Pathetic.  A real activist would have taken it all off.   ;/


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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #323 on: June 09, 2022, 10:38:47 AM »
Took her to the pavement

Biden protester rushes motorcade, gets tackled by Secret Service agent in LA
The protester appeared to be advocating for abortion rights
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Re: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade
« Reply #324 on: June 09, 2022, 10:58:36 AM »
The abortion ban is going to kill us.

Oh the irony.

If it goes back to the states, she might be able to abort her kid up to year 26.
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