Author Topic: Being reported the Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade  (Read 57884 times)


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    The Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade, according to an initial draft majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito and obtained by POLITICO.

    “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” Alito writes.
BOMBSHELL: POLITICO reports SCOTUS has voted to strike down Roe v. Wade according to leaked draft opinion by Justice Alito
    — POLITICO (@politico) May 3, 2022

If true who leak it? I got some suspicions

    This is the first time in modern history that the public has seen a Supreme Court draft decision while a case was still pending.

    — POLITICO (@politico) May 3, 2022

Meanwhile get ready for some major fire works
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Meanwhile get ready for some major fire works

I'm sure the protests will be fiery but mostly peaceful.
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I'll need to read the decision before I can comment too much.  That said, I'll be surprised if the current Congress doesn't push to increase the number of justices to 15 in response to this ruling.  They'll push to get all six new seats filled while Joe is in the Oval Office, and try to carry a 10-5 liberal majority into the foreseeable future.  And that's a real threat to our 2A rights.
No, I'm not mtnbkr.  ;)

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I'll need to read the decision before I can comment too much.  That said, I'll be surprised if the current Congress doesn't push to increase the number of justices to 15 in response to this ruling.  They'll push to get all six new seats filled while Joe is in the Oval Office, and try to carry a 10-5 liberal majority into the foreseeable future.  And that's a real threat to our 2A rights.

Like any of this matters.  This *expletive deleted*it went off the rails when elections stopped mattering.  The rest is seating arrangements on doomed a ocean liner.
"Leftism destroys everything good." -  Ron

There is no fixing stupid. But, you can line it up in front of a wall and offer it a last smoke.

There is no such thing as a "transgender" person.  Only mental illness that should be discouraged.


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  And that's a real threat to our 2A rights.

Not just the 2nd.
The left firmly believes in "common sense" restrictions on all rights.
Look at the hell they're giving Musk over free speech.
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There is no proof the alleged writing is true or even recent.  Just another attempt by the Demomedia to stir up the cretins before the midterms.  I think we can expect a lot of this propaganda as well as more attempts to replace facts with propaganda.
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There is no proof the alleged writing is true or even recent.  Just another attempt by the Demomedia to stir up the cretins before the midterms.  I think we can expect a lot of this propaganda as well as more attempts to replace facts with propaganda.

Very reason why I titled this "being reported"
It very well could be an attempt to stir up trouble
"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us".
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If the leak is real, this does bring up some serious issues.  I can't remember hearing of a leak from the SC. 
SCOTUSblog: “It’s impossible to overstate the earthquake this will cause inside the Court, in terms of the destruction of trust among the Justices and staff. This leak is the gravest, most unforgivable sin.”

If true, I think this is better in the long run.  Push that issue back to the state level and/or force parties to push actual legislation. 
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As mentioned, I’ve never heard of a leak on SCOTUS decisions ahead of official release.  If this is a legit draft decision the justices will probably fire every last clerk and staffer if they can’t identify the culprit(s).  Any justice that refused to do so would be presumed a collaborator and not trusted with anything ever again.

My money would be on Jackson (and/or her clerks/staff) as the leak source.  She’s so new she probably doesn’t fully appreciate the magnitude of the betrayal.
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While some remained skeptical that the leak is a real draft, SCOTUSblog tweeted Monday night that the document is "almost certainly" authentic:

Many observers, pundits, and even Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) speculated that the leak came from a liberal clerk who sought to add pressure to the situation — either for a conservative justice to change their vote or to spur Congress to work on legislation that would again create a "right" to abortion before SCOTUS can overturn that right it previously created.

Supreme Court to Overturn Roe v. Wade According to Leaked Draft Opinion
"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us".
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T.O.M. called it.  The Left will be calling for packing the court over the summer.

I'm particularly intrigued by this though (if true):

Liberal justices seem likely to take issue with Alito’s assertion in the draft opinion that overturning Roe would not jeopardize other rights the courts have grounded in privacy, such as the right to contraception, to engage in private consensual sexual activity and to marry someone of the same sex.

“We emphasize that our decision concerns the constitutional right to abortion and no other right,” Alito writes. “Nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion.”

Alito’s draft opinion rejects the idea that abortion bans reflect the subjugation of women in American society. “Women are not without electoral or political power,” he writes. “The percentage of women who register to vote and cast ballots is consistently higher than the percentage of men who do so.”


I'm not sure I like the notion of the Court discriminating between various un-enumerated rights having greater or lesser standing.  Or singling them out.

All in all, I like Alito's alleged decision here.  I consider this a 10th Amendment issue.  Nothing in the Constitution addresses abortion.  The several States are then empowered to address the issue, or not, as is their prerogative.  With State lines being largely irrelevant due to air and car travel, one just needs access to a neighboring State which offers access to abortion in order to sate one's need for the service.

Leave it in the "Laboratories of Democracy."  It'll get ironed out over several generations.  Alito is correct to cite the variety of State level legislation on the issue, prohibiting it.  Though it's unlikely the counter-argument is supported by corresponding deliberate legislation which supports abortion.  A proper rebuttal to his argument would be to cite the absence of similar legislation, per time period covered of each State proscription, as a ratio.  I.E. from 1800 to 1860, 33% of States had laws prohibiting abortion while 67% had no such law, making the practice legal (obviously this is a made up statistic here).  I still must fundamentally side with the notion of that which is not expressly prohibited, MUST BE expressly tolerated.  Including abortion.
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I reject your authoritah!


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As someone who has to deal daily with clueless people who know that they are SO much smarter than all those horrible deplorables, I'm sort of hoping that they actually declare some sort of open war. With what I'm hearing from a LOT of POC, they're going to get their asses handed to them on several fronts.
Edited: i hz tiping skizz of orang.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2022, 12:11:55 AM by Bogie »
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The babies did not kill themselves

    Not surprising. But still outrageous.

    This decision is a direct assault on the dignity, rights, & lives of women, not to mention decades of settled law. It will kill and subjugate women even as a vast majority of Americans think abortion should be legal. What an utter disgrace.
    — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) May 3, 2022
"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us".
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Wow. This would be bad. To explain:

If this leaked alleged ruling is true, I would, given my own philosophical beliefs, consider the ruling itself good.

I would consider it bad for people in the short term, whether leaked or not, in the sense that if you thought the antifa and related violence last Summer was bad, you ain't seen nothin' yet.

I consider this bad for the country in that if this was leaked out of the SC, how do we again trust the integrity of the court? This is just like the deep state stuff that went on under Trump. Leaked information to the MSM and big tech resulting in attacks by the "unbiased" media against something the left doesn't like (notice these leaks never happen with stuff the left is in favor of?). Even though this is allegedly a February draft, it's interesting that it leaked just after a new liberal justice and her employees entered the SC. I actually don't believe a Justice, regardless of their politics, would do this. It's almost certainly a woke intern or similar.

There's also a chance that this is just like the Trump "dossier" that was leaked to the lamebrain Daily Beast. Somebody suckered lamebrain Politico in the same way with something fake. I would actually prefer this to the alternative of someone within the SC leaking a real document.
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"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us".
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“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
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Funny but sad we've come to this

‘So, women are a thing again?’: People have noticed that libs like Nancy Pelosi and Eric Swalwell are not using ‘birthing people’ while discussing Roe
"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us".
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“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
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It's on ABC Good Morning America, so either It's true or one of the biggest news broadcasters got duped.
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It's on ABC Good Morning America, so either It's true or one of the biggest news broadcasters got duped.

The Trump Dossier made it to all the big outlets after the Daily Beast leak as well.

On further thought, if this is a real leak, I think an appropriate punishment should be life in prison. Even though it often leans one way or another, the SC is supposed to be the one sacred and unbiased arm of the government that separates itself from administrations and congressional majorities and current opinion of citizens. Punishment for breaking that trust should be severe. The clerk mentioned in WLJ's post seems to have a history and likely should have never made it past any background checks.
"I'm a foolish old man that has been drawn into a wild goose chase by a harpy in trousers and a nincompoop."


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It's on ABC Good Morning America, so either It's true or one of the biggest news broadcasters got duped.

I read that SCOTUS confirmed the leak.  It was just a rough draft, though, not a final decision.

Related: there are now fencing and crowd control devices installed around SCOTUS.
Islamic sex dolls.  Do they blow themselves up?


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Wow. This would be bad.

Yes, very bad, but not for the reasons you said.

There will be protests and violence by the usual groups, but the long term effects of the decision could have far-reaching legal consequences.

We need to wait for the verdict and the legal reasonings to learn the "why," but my understanding of Roe v Wade is that the SCOTUS ruling was based on privacy, not strictly abortion.  If today's SCOTUS  changes a ruling about privacy, that may affect everyone, birthers and non-birthers alike.

Again, it is too soon to get worked up, but this could stir up a bunch of legal issues.
Islamic sex dolls.  Do they blow themselves up?


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Some finger pointing at a clerk for Justice Sonia Sotomayor
So maybe, just maybe, the "Wise Latina" was a little short of wisdom when it came to hiring staffers. I'm sure Biden's SCOTUS pick will see this and learn from it.
Trump won in 2016. Democrats haven't been so offended since Republicans came along and freed their slaves.
Sometimes I wonder if the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it. - Mark Twain
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To be honest, given the emotions surrounding the subject, I'd not at all be surprised if this leak was at the behest, or at least with the blessing of, one of the liberals on the court.
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To be honest, given the emotions surrounding the subject, I'd not at all be surprised if this leak was at the behest, or at least with the blessing of, one of the liberals on the court.

When I said I had some suspicions that's what I was thinking
"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us".
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The Trump Dossier made it to all the big outlets after the Daily Beast leak as well.

On further thought, if this is a real leak, I think an appropriate punishment should be life in prison. Even though it often leans one way or another, the SC is supposed to be the one sacred and unbiased arm of the government that separates itself from administrations and congressional majorities and current opinion of citizens. Punishment for breaking that trust should be severe. The clerk mentioned in WLJ's post seems to have a history and likely should have never made it past any background checks.
I am listening to a Rekieta Law stream from last night.  The guy on with him said that being an SC Clerk is an automatic muti-hundred $K per year job and signing bonus afterward as the pool of people selected for that job is small.  He thinks Chief Justice Roberts (even though he is likely in the miniority) will try to nail them to a wall.  Even if they can't find charges to file, they will disbar them and their legal life is dead. 

Interesting to see where this goes.  Also interesting to see how this draft differs from the final draft.

Ben Shapiro had an opinion up that he thinks the draft is real.  He thinks the style of writing fits Alito. 
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Yes, very bad, but not for the reasons you said.

There will be protests and violence by the usual groups, but the long term effects of the decision could have far-reaching legal consequences.

We need to wait for the verdict and the legal reasonings to learn the "why," but my understanding of Roe v Wade is that the SCOTUS ruling was based on privacy, not strictly abortion.  If today's SCOTUS  changes a ruling about privacy, that may affect everyone, birthers and non-birthers alike.

Again, it is too soon to get worked up, but this could stir up a bunch of legal issues.

Unable to show concrete reliance on Roe and Casey them- selves, the Solicitor General suggests that overruling those decisions would “threaten the Court's precedents holding. that the Due Process Clause protects other rights.” Brief for United States as Amicus Curiae 26 (citing Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U. 8. 644 (2015); Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U. S. 558 (2008); Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U. S. 479 (1965)). That is not correct for reasons we have already discussed. As even the Casey plurality recognized, “[abortion is a unique act” because it terminates “life or potential life.” 505 U.S, at 852; see also Roe, 410 U. 8., at 159 (abortion is “inherently different from marital intimacy,” “marriage,” or “procreation”). And to ensure that our decision is not misunderstood or mischaracterized, we emphasize that our decision concerns the constitutional right to abortion and no other right. Nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion.

They appear to be trying to get ahead of that.