Author Topic: Israel?  (Read 11147 times)


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« Reply #50 on: December 15, 2005, 12:39:05 PM »
Quote from: Phantom Warrior
Who TAUGHT the Arabs terrorism?  The majority of terrorism has been performed by the Arabs, not the Israelis.  The Haganah, in particular, was formed primarily to defend against Arabs, not to engage in terrorism.  The British cooperated informally w/ the Haganah during the Arab riots in the 1930s to help protect British interests and control the Arab uprising.  Irgun and the Stern Gang did engage in straight terrorism, but they were splinter groups.  Their decision to splinter was based on the Haganah's policy of restraint.

The eventual role of these competing organizations is telling.  Haganah was transformed into the Israeli Defense Forces while the splinter groups were outlawed and disbanded.
Wiki on Haganah
Haganah - A History of the Jewish Underground Defense force in Palestine

The Revolt against the British
At the conclusion of World War II, it became apparent that Britain would not change its policies in Palestine and would not allow Jewish immigration. The Haganah then joined forces with the Irgun and Lehi in attacking the British in various commando raids and sabotage attacks.

Jewish Virtual Library

At the end of the war, when it became clear that the British government had no intention of altering its anti-Zionist policy, the Haganah began an open, organized struggle against British Mandatory rule in the framework of a unified Jewish Resistance Movement, consisting of Haganah, Irgun Zevai Le'umi - Etzel, and Lohamei Herut YisraelLehi.

...from their OWN mouths...
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« Reply #51 on: December 15, 2005, 01:05:19 PM »
Quote from: The Rabbi
Typically you are incorrect.

All the "facts" marshalled here are worthless.  The British invaded us, twice, burning our capitol one of those times and we still supported them in the Falklands War.
Don't stop there.  Israel was quite willing to get into bed with the British as early as 1956.  Again, I ask, WHY is Egypt nationalizing the Suez Canal any business of Israel? Still waiting...
Silly?  Yes, but no more so than the "facts" being bandied about here.
Putting quotation marks around "facts" doesn't make them any less true...
Foreign aid is not doled out on the basis of who is "deserving" any more than on the basis of who has been naughty and who has been nice.
Luckily for Israel.  So you admit their behavior has been excreble?

It is doled out based on how much leverage we want in that country, how much the promise of such aid will influence that country's policies, and a host of other considerations.  Already pointed out was the most, if not all, of Israel's aid actually gets comes in the form of credits and gets spent here.
Nobody is twisting their arm to take it - whereas signifigant twisting by U.S. Jewish organizations is ongoing to keep it coming.

So what is going on in these posts?  Why does Richyoung have such a burning desire to prove Israel is our enemy, dredging up 40 year old incidents?  I don't know.
I'll tell you.  34 dead American servicemen.  There STILL has been no investigation/trial/punishment of the instigators of the attack on the Liberty

        "I was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation. . . . Through diplomatic channels we refused to accept their explanations. I didn't believe them then, and I don't believe them to this day. The attack was outrageous "
          -- US Secretary of State Dean Rusk  
        "...the board of inquiry (concluded) that the Israelis knew exactly what they were doing in attacking the Liberty."
          -- CIA Director Richard Helms  
        "I can tell you for an absolute certainty (from intercepted communications) that the Israelis knew they were attacking an American ship."
          -- NSA Deputy Director Oliver Kirby  
         "That the Liberty could have been mistaken for the Egyptian supply ship El Quseir is unbelievable"
          -- Special Assistant to the President Clark Clifford, in his report to President Lyndon Johnson  
        "The highest officials of the [Johnson] administration, including the President, believed it 'inconceivable' that Israel's 'skilled' defense forces could have committed such a gross error."
        -- Lyndon Johnson's biographer Robert Dallek in Flawed Giant, Oxford University Press, 1998, pp. 430-31)  

        "A nice whitewash for a group of ignorant, stupid and inept [expletive deleted]."
          -- Handwritten note of August 26, 1967, by NSA Deputy Director Louis W. Tordella reacting to the Israeli court decision exonerating Israelis of blame for the Liberty attack.  
         "The evidence was clear. Both Admiral Kidd and I believed with certainty that this attack...was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew.... It was our shared belief. . .that the attack. . .could not possibly have been an accident.... I am certain that the Israeli pilots [and] their superiors. . .were well aware that the ship was American."
          -- Captain Ward Boston, JAGC, US Navy (retired), senior legal counsel to the US Navy Court of Inquiry  
        That the attack was deliberate "just wasn't a disputed issue" within the National Security Agency
          -- Former NSA Director retired Army Lieutenant General William Odom on 3 March 2003 in an interview for Naval Institute Proceedings  
        Former NSA/CIA Director Admiral Bobby Inman "flatly rejected" the Cristol/Israeli claims that the attack was an accident
          -- 5 March 2003 interview for Naval Institute Proceedings  
        Of four former NSA/CIA seniors with inside knowledge, none was aware of any agency official who dissented from the position that the attack was deliberate
          -- David Walsh, writing in Naval Institute Proceedings  
        "It appears to me that it was not a pure case of mistaken identity."
        -- Captain William L. McGonagle, Commanding Officer, USS Liberty, speaking at Arlington National Cemetery, June 8, 1997  
         "To suggest that they [the IDF] couldn't identify the ship is ... ridiculous. ... Anybody who could not identify the Liberty could not tell the difference between the White House and the Washington Monument."
          -- Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chief of Naval Operations and later Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, quoted in The Washington Post, June 15, 1991, p. 14  

- had it been the OTHER way around, the numerous Jewish political organizations would be HOWLING for blood.  Not to mention the fact that the Isreali president had the NERVE to give letters of recognition to surviving "Lavon Affair" spys DURING a state visit by President Bush.  Plus you need to check your calender, Rabi - the Pollard affair, selling Q-37 counter-battery radar technology to Red China, selling F-16/'Lavi" technology to Taiwan during an arms emargo on them - all well within the last 40 years.

And fwiw, I am no supporter of Israel and think they, and we, would be much better off getting out of Uncle Sam's pocket.
Here we are in profound agreement.
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The Rabbi

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« Reply #52 on: December 15, 2005, 01:29:52 PM »
But I still want to know why 34 dead servicemen 40 years ago bothers you so much.  Why does anything 40 years ago bother you?
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« Reply #53 on: December 16, 2005, 04:57:00 AM »
Quote from: The Rabbi
But I still want to know why 34 dead servicemen 40 years ago bothers you so much.  Why does anything 40 years ago bother you?
The Holocaust was 60 years ago - does it still bother you?

Why does whether I was alive n 67 bother you?  Why do you refuse to acknowledge that the assassination of Gerald Bull, the stealing of nuclear war plans by Pollard that Israel traded to Russia for increased Jewish immigration, various "honey trap" operations by Mossad against elected U.S. officials - ALL much less than 40 years ago?  The attack on the Liberty is but one of the more outragous incidents in a long patern of abuse of the US by Israel.  Lets look at how differnt countries handle similar issues:

My Lai:  Calley and Medina are court-martialed an punished, with attendant media coverage.  Military puts renewed emphasis on training the laws of war.

Liberty:  Israel refuses to identify who is responsible for the attacks.  Pays 6 million (in 1980) in reparations for the destruction of a 40 million dollar ship - (the Liberty never again sailed on a mission, and was sold as scrap.)  Rather than investigate and punish those responsible, Israel HONORS them: the wheel and bell of MTB-203, which launched the fatal torpedo, are displayed in Haifa's Clandestine Immigration and Naval Museum.

FOR THE RECORD: - I believe the Jews are God's chosen people.  That without the Jews there would have been no Christ.  That Israel can be justifiably proud of the record and reputation her military has established for excellence in combat.  That in NO WAY excuses the behaviors I'm bringing up.
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« Reply #54 on: December 18, 2005, 10:36:29 AM »
Egypt nationalizing the Sinai occured a year or so after their first provocatory act of restricting Israeli shipping from using the Canal and the Straits of Tiran.  Israel only had the port of Eilat in the South, the closure of those international waters, in time of peace, to a non-combatant , violated international law and cut Israel off from realistic trade with Asia.

When Egypt actually moved to nationalize the Canal itself, thus setting itself up to control all shipping between Europe and Asia is when the abortive British and French and effective Israeli attack to open the Canal to free international passage and force Egypt to stop illegally restricting Israeli trade began.
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« Reply #55 on: December 18, 2005, 12:23:24 PM »
It comes down to the fact that Israel is a different nation and their interests are not identical to the USA's.

Israel has my support in most their endeavors to thrive/survive, but I am not blind to the fact that they have sold the US out when it was convenient for them.  We're both big boys, playing by big boy rules.  We should take pains to understand that and all it implies.

To be frank, Israel provides bupkis in the way of return on our investment in their security.  Our support for the Israeli gov't is almost entirely a moral one: they are a pretty decent country by Western standards and much better than any of their nutcase neighbors.  It is the morally right thing to do to support the decent fellow against the maniacs who menace him.  Of course, we pay for our moral stance, in both money and blood.  Perhaps that is why we are such a target for damaging Israeli espionage: they know that taking their side against the oil-soaked madmen is really not in our interests as a nation.  They figure it won't last forever.

All nations play by big-boy rules.  We see the French doing similar things while our back is turned, thwarting our policy objectives while enriching themselves.  Other countries do it, too.  What makes it different when Israel does it?  Why should Americans get more bent out of shape when with Israeli perfidity?

I think there are two reasons:
1. The USA provides much material and moral support to Israel.
Without our material help, Israel as a country would have been wiped out.  We would have seen come to pass what Israel's enemies have said they would do all along: push Israel into the sea and slaughter them all.  Also, we are usually the only other country that votes with Israel when the usual anti-Israeli measure is voted on by the UN.  Most other countries just aren't willing to side with Israel on any issue that puts them at odds with the oil shieks.

So, when Israel steps on its generative member & sells our classified data to the Chicoms or another Pollard is caught, Americans are naturally more than usually agitated.  It is one thing to be kicked in the jimmy.  It is a whole other thing to be kicked in the jimmy after helping the guy up from where he fell, dusting him off, and defending his character.

2. Too many Americans with dual loyalties or primary loyalties that lie with Israel.
Yep, there are non-Jewish Americans who have a dual-loyalty problem.  We've seen them spit on our World Cup soccer players (Mexican-Americans), frag our fighting men (Black Muslims), march in support of the terrorists (American muslims from/with roots in the ME), Chinese Americans that give classified data to the Chicoms, etc.  

Those others exist, but are pretty marginal, both politically & socially.  There are not to many of any of them in positions of political or cultural influence.  They aren't helping to make policy or mold opinion.

OTOH, Israel-first types are pretty thick in the corridors of power, media, and academia...and they don't like having things pointed out to them like:
a. That there is a disproportionate number of them in those endeavors
b. That their policy positions can, at times, promote Israel's interests over the USA's
The usual response ot such observations is rapid-fire accusations of anti-semitism & the like.  The storm of accusation works on lots of folks who know something is rotten.  After all, not many folks like to be called a racist by folks who buy ink by the drum...and some ask themsleves, "Is it really important enough to point out the dual-loyalties that I ought to risk my reputation among the white zinfandel sippers & brie-eaters?"

Most Americans expect natural born & naturalized Americans to put America first in their heart.  When they see that is not the case, many get more than a little cranky at the Israel-firsters and the object of their loyalty.  It is enough to make an America-first, Israel supprter like myself a bit uncomfortable...and less gracious the next time Israel buggers the USA.


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« Reply #56 on: December 19, 2005, 12:50:16 AM »
Just for the record, are you hopping down the "ends justify the means" bunny trail?  Because I remember an Austrian paperhanger who had the same idea...
No.  For the record I am attacking the preposterous notion of moral equality between the nations that have announced intentions of genocide and those that have not.  I respect Israel for restraint in dealing with its enemies, a restraint that its opponents have not shown in word or deed.  There are good guys and there are bad guys in the world.  People who advocate slaughter of millions (Like someone advocating use of Nuclear weapons on Jerusalem, for example) have forfeited my respect.  But hey, that was an excellent combination of Ad Hominum and Straw Man arguments.

It's hard to take serious Israel's cries of terrorism when the same countries leaders used to roll barrels of dynamite and nails into Arab markets out of speeding trucks pre-48, and asassinate people in other countries, ( Bull, the Munich killers, etc.).
It's not hard at all when I saw Israeli armed forces forcibly enforcing withdrawals for Jewish settlements for the sake of peace in the same year when Palestinians still voice public support for bombers who murder women and children in public.

Attacks on naval vessels, (USS Cole), aircraft, government buildings, (9/11), and embassies are considered acts of war.  If a country harbors parties that are engaging in acts of war, and is unwilling, or unable, to control them, that country forfeits its neutral status - (Panch Villa punitive expidition, Afghanistan, Barbary Coast pirates, Cambodia, Laos, etc.)  I will be the first to admit that some of these same issues apply to Israels opponents.
And yet you refuse to accept Israel's need to ensure its own national security, whether or not that happens to coincide with the best interest of the United States.  We've certainly worked towards our own national security when it was not in Israel's best interest.  The double-standard appears to continue.

I missed it - explainto me WHY it is any of ISRAEL'S business if Egypt nationalizes a business inside its borders.  Sounds like an internal matter to me....
Internal affairs, the age-old cry of the oppressor.  Saddam's defense in massacering Kurds, eh?

Well, Here is the asked-for explanation:
1]  Egypt's move for nationalization involved the removal of UN observers.
2]  In the 6 days war, the nationalization also violated agreements made at the end of the last armed conflict with Egypt.
3]  Egypt's nationalization was a prelude to an almost immediate closure of both the canal and the Straight of Tiran to Isreali traffic.  These were the major sources of petrolium for the nation.  Modern nations do not run without supplies of petrolium.  Therefore this was a threat to Israeli national wellbeing.
4]  Israel had already publicly stated that they would view closure of the canal and the straight as acts of war.  The Egyptians knew this and did this anyway.  You seem to be having trouble w/ concepts of national security, so I will present you with a schoolboy's imagery.  If someone says "cross this line and I'll punch you" and you deliberately cross the line, you are asking for a fight.  Egypt knew it would be provoking a war with the actions.  They got their war when they did it in the form of the 6 days war, and I for one am supremely happy at how thoroughly they got their tukus kicked.

Israel wants to have it both ways: get the first lick in, AND claim self-defense.  Thats tough logic to chop...
We've been over this.  The best defense is a good offense.  It is better to fight the enemy on their property than to try and fight them off of yours.

Trust is EARNED.  Remind me - how many Israelli Naval vessels has the US deliberately attacked in international waters?  How many Israelli defense secrets have we "traded" to, say Syria?  How many Israeli citizens have our intelligence agencies assasinated in foreign countries?  In return, even Israel's OWN GOVERNMENT acknowledges that without Nixon sending massive resupply directly out of US war-fighting stocks, on US C-5 aircraft, Isreal would have collapsed in 73.   You want trust?  Compassion?  How about TRYING those responsible for the war crime of the attack on the USS Liberty?
I've spent the better part of 3 hours looking at info from both sides of the USS Liberty incident.  You asked for a trial, both Isreal and the US held military inquiries into the incident.  Israel offered a public apology, stating that it was the result of the confusion of the war that was ongoing.  Of course, cataclysmic errors never occur during wartime.  General Jackson's troops must have known who he was when he was fatally shot.  The US Navy must have deliberately allowed the sailors of the USS Indianapolis to die by the hundreds when the ship went down in WWII.  The pentagon estimated that 21,000 deaths in WWII were caused by friendly fire.

Ultimately, the most compelling reason for me to reject the "Vicious Deceitful Isreal" take on the incident is that I cannot come up with a single way that Isreal stood to benifit from the attack.  They had no motive to provoke a war with the US (which very nearly did happen when 2 aircraft carriers responded to the Liberty's distress call) while fighting a coalition of their long-standing enemies.

What happened was tragic.  I wish that it had never happened.  It is not, for me, sufficient evidence to base a half-century worth of hatred against Israel.  Among other things, I would not want the United STates to be judged on a similar standard.  Remember the Aspirin factory in the Sudan that we blew up 'cause on Clinton's orders?  By the same logic, all of Africa should hate us forever.

The attack on the USS Liberty was a horrible event.  We disagree on the levels of culpability and criminality, as well as intent.

"trust is earned".
You object to Israel SELLING arms to China.  Your point as I understand it is that it economic or commercial support of a nation's enemies is a betrayal, particularly military support or commerce.
The United States has provided financial aid to Jordan, Syria, and Egypt, all of which are enemies of Israel.
The US has continued to provide aid to Jordan, Palestine, and Saudi Arabia despite documented incidences of these countries supporting terror attacks on Israeli civilians.

The double standard remains.


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« Reply #57 on: December 19, 2005, 06:17:51 AM »
Quote from: Bemidjiblade
No.  For the record I am attacking the preposterous notion of moral equality between the nations that have announced intentions of genocide and those that have not.  I respect Israel for restraint in dealing with its enemies, a restraint that its opponents have not shown in word or deed.  There are good guys and there are bad guys in the world.  People who advocate slaughter of millions (Like someone advocating use of Nuclear weapons on Jerusalem, for example) have forfeited my respect.  But hey, that was an excellent combination of Ad Hominum and Straw Man arguments.
No.  For the record, you were excusing Israel's aggressive behavior by pointing out how bad the people you were "preemptive striking" were - and where I come from, thats "ends justify the means".  Also for the record, *I* didn't advocate nuking Israel, nor do I so believe - I *CAN* understand the frustration that leads to such a comment, and it would behoove Israel and her supports to understand Uncle Sam's patience is running thin.  I don't forsee the US nuking anyone in the near future, but Israel better remember we CHOOSE to aid her, and we can just as soon choose NOT to.
It's not hard at all when I saw Israeli armed forces forcibly enforcing withdrawals for Jewish settlements for the sake of peace in the same year when Palestinians still voice public support for bombers who murder women and children in public.
Whether one agrees, or disagrees, with the decision to forcibly evacuate the settlements, one has to admit it is a bold and clear-cut demonstration of Israel's determination to strive to make the peace process work.  Now if only her ALLIES could get that level of consideration...

And yet you refuse to accept Israel's need to ensure its own national security,...
NOT at my expense!  NOT at my countries expense!  DOUBLE-NOT when we are protecting you and funding you!

whether or not that happens to coincide with the best interest of the United States.
Oh that is rich!  Really, I'm astounded!  Remember the Oil Embargo - against the US?  For helping Israel in 1973?  We kept her alive, and paid a helluva price in terms of money AND economic misery for it!
We've certainly worked towards our own national security when it was not in Israel's best interest.  The double-standard appears to continue.
Pardon me for being so mean-spirited to expect that the criminals who attacked the Liberty, if not tried and punished, at least not be honored as heroes in one of your museums!
The Egyptians knew this and did this anyway.  You seem to be having trouble w/ concepts of national security, so I will present you with a schoolboy's imagery.  If someone says "cross this line and I'll punch you" and you deliberately cross the line, you are asking for a fight.
That rather depends on whether one has the right to draw the line in the first place.  Quadaffi found out he didn't, but internal events inside of Egypt don't rise to causus belli in mine, nor the UN's eyes.  Should Isreal be compelled to ship petroleum or war materials across her borders from Egypt to Syria, for example?

We've been over this.  The best defense is a good offense.
Funny - the local judges don't seem to buy that when someone just out-and-out sucker-punches someone else:  they tend to view "he who threw the first punch" as the aggressor, not defender.

It is better to fight the enemy on their property than to try and fight them off of yours.
...and even better to sieze the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and the Golan Heights while you are at it, huh?

I've spent the better part of 3 hours looking at info from both sides of the USS Liberty incident.  You asked for a trial, both Isreal and the US held military inquiries into the incident.  Israel offered a public apology, stating that it was the result of the confusion of the war that was ongoing.
Israel LIED!  Both linguists on the Liberty itself, as well as Air Force crew on an EC-121 and monitoring stations in the embassy in Tel Aviv intercepted voice messages FROM THE STRIKE AIRCRAFT that prove the attack was on a known American vessel.  Only US Naval frequencies, including the distress frequency, were jammed during the attack.  Did you miss the list of senior officials in the dfense, State, and intelligence business that say, without reservation, that the attack was deliberate?  As for Israel having a "military inquiry", since when does the criminal get to run his own trial?

Of course, cataclysmic errors never occur during wartime.  General Jackson's troops must have known who he was when he was fatally shot.  The US Navy must have deliberately allowed the sailors of the USS Indianapolis to die by the hundreds when the ship went down in WWII.  The pentagon estimated that 21,000 deaths in WWII were caused by friendly fire.
NONE of this has anything to do with ordering unmarked jets to sink a neutral ship and murder the survivors - which is what happened.
Ultimately, the most compelling reason for me to reject the "Vicious Deceitful Isreal" take on the incident is that I cannot come up with a single way that Isreal stood to benifit from the attack.  They had no motive to provoke a war with the US (which very nearly did happen when 2 aircraft carriers responded to the Liberty's distress call) while fighting a coalition of their long-standing enemies.
You are that naive?  I'll spell it out for you.   Unmarked jets attack the Liberty, hopefully destroying their commo capability.  (They almost succeed at this - only a jerry-rigged connection between a transmitter and a different system's antenna enabled them to get a distress call out.)  The torpedo boats make sure NO ONE gets off alive by raking the decks with .50 cal fire, and destroying any launched lifeboats or rafts.  (This mission accomplished.  With no survivors, Egypt gets blamed for the attack - (this in fact is what our government thought when the distress call first went out - after all, the attackers were UNMARKED!).  Object - draw the US into a war with Egypt under false pretenses.  Precedent?  This is the SAME thing Israel tried to do with the "Lavan Affair" in the fifties!

What happened was tragic.  I wish that it had never happened.  It is not, for me, sufficient evidence to base a half-century worth of hatred against Israel.
It isn't for me either, itself.  Unfortunately, its NOT by itself.  Pollard, the Q-37 fiasco, numerous Mosaad "Honey Trap" operations against US officials,...all an ongoing patern of abused trust.
Among other things, I would not want the United STates to be judged on a similar standard.  Remember the Aspirin factory in the Sudan that we blew up 'cause on Clinton's orders?  By the same logic, all of Africa should hate us forever.
1.  The Sudan wasn't supplying us with massive foreign aid.
2.  The Sudan was in fact harboring terrorists, if not at the aspirin factory.
3.  We've spent tons of $$$ trying to HELP post-colonial Africa.
4.  A big chunk of the world, including most of Africa, reflexively hates us anyway.

The attack on the USS Liberty was a horrible event.  We disagree on the levels of culpability and criminality, as well as intent.
The Liberty was the most electronically advanced ship in the world - bristling with antennas from stem to stern, including a huge "MoonBounce" round reflector dish.  It also was painted grey, almost 500 feet long, had white hull number markings and her name in English painted across the stern.  It was also flying a huge American flag.  To suppose that this vessle was confused for a 1920's, 250 foot long, silver, LIVESTOCK ship tied up to a dock in Alexandria waiting to be the BEST ARMED FORCE and INTELLIGENCE SERVICE in the WORLD strains credibility beyond the breaking point.  Israel was at war - they knew EXACTLY where every enemy and neutral hull within 600 miles was - they flew reconnaisence patrols (which we monitored) for just such a purpose - and they correctly identified the Liberty!
"trust is earned".
You object to Israel SELLING arms to China.  Your point as I understand it is that it economic or commercial support of a nation's enemies is a betrayal, particularly military support or commerce.
The United States has provided financial aid to Jordan, Syria, and Egypt, all of which are enemies of Israel.
Egypt an enemy of Israel?  I thought you were at peace with them?  I thought that's why Sadat got the Nobel Peace prize?  Are ou saying things have changed? (..and, BTW, that WAS the US that brokered that peace deal...)
As for Jordan, they've had their own problems with the PLO, and along with Kuwait, have been a moderating influence among the more virulent pan-Arabists.  In fact King Hussein was secretly negotiating with Golda Mier and Abba Eban for THREE YEARS with regards to secure borders and a lasting peace...until the IDF attacked Es Samu in the Jordanian West Bank with over 3000 troops, tanks, and fighters - AFTER being reassured THAT MORNING that Israel had no intention of attacking Jordanian territory (13 November, 1966).  So Israel "pooped in its own mess kit" on that on!
As for Syria, they helped fight GWI, and we need their help on the border regions to find AL-Quieda operatives.

Now, since you brought it up, just WHAT, other than $$$, did Israel need from Red China so desperately that they sold us out on the Q-37?

The US has continued to provide aid to Jordan, Palestine, and Saudi Arabia despite documented incidences of these countries supporting terror attacks on Israeli civilians.
...and we continue to provide aid to Israel despite documented war crimes, espionage, and attempting to drag us into war with Arab nations under false pretenses....
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« Reply #58 on: December 19, 2005, 06:54:35 AM »
Quote from: Blackburn
I was only suggesting that we drop a nuke on Israel in parody of the inbred rapscallions who think it would be a brilliant tactical maneuver to drop nuclear weapons on Iran, or Mecca.
I know, Blackburn - I "got it".  It's just that Jews in general and the citizens of Isreal in partticular are understandably quite sensitive to any suggestion of mass killing/extermination.  I've been to the ovens at Dachau and felt the palpable evil and despair soaked into the very bedrock there - if you've never experienced it, there is no way I can explain it to someone.  Hard as it may be for the Rabi and such to believe, but I support Israel and admire their armed forces prowess:  I just don't give them a free pass to poop all over me or my country.
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« Reply #59 on: December 19, 2005, 07:03:57 AM »
Re: IMI - a minor correction

Magnum Research, of Minnesota, actually makes the Desert Eagle.  IMI did help Magnum Research with some design issues when the Desert Eagle was first introduced (hence this persistent myth), but it's actually a Magnum Research gun.

A detailed history is available on the Modern Firearms webpage.
Pretty damned persistent "myth", if I do say so myself.  I have in my collection a very early Mark I Desert Eagle pistol, and it was in fact manufactured in Israel:

MRI was founded in Minneapolis in 1979, and started design on the "Magnum Eagle" pistol. The prototype was almost ready by 1981, but needed help with feeding and cycling.  MRI got help from none other than IMI, resulting in the first Israeli Desert Eagle pistol production in 1983.  My Desert Eagle above dates to 1986, and was also made in Israel.

The Persian Gulf War put civilian firearms manufacture on hold at IMI, so manufacturing was moved to Saco Defense in the state of Maine from 1995 to 1998.  Since then, Magnum Research, citing concerns over quality control, has once again switched production of the Desert Eagle back to Israel.  

Just wanted to clarify where the big pistols actually come from.  I now return to the Israel = good/Israel = evil thread.

(I have this book, By Way of Deception, if anybody wants to read about the Mossad...)
"Bother", said Pooh, as he chambered another round...

"Never squat with your spurs on!"