Author Topic: Question: Why is it the person you love the most...  (Read 13744 times)


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Question: Why is it the person you love the most...
« Reply #50 on: March 29, 2005, 08:32:18 AM »
Quote from: spacemanspiff
I have lost count of all the women i have met that have expressed nothing but greed and how they would date any man if he had enough money to spend on them. sorry, but if all that is out there for us men are long-term-relationship-prostitutes, and short-term-relationship-prostitutes, i'd be more inclined to go for the strp.

There are some goods one out there, I learned the hard way through a few gold digging female dogs that the girl that likes to do the cheap and fun stuff is the best. Any girlie up for frozen pizza, PBR and a rental movie is okay by me.

I went on a date this weekend with a fun girl that wants me to take her shooting, camping and fishing. Too bad we live 140 miles apart, but I might try this one out. But the bad news is she doesn't own a firearm Sad might have to change that.

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Question: Why is it the person you love the most...
« Reply #51 on: March 31, 2005, 02:34:35 PM »
The ones you love are the only ones who have enough access to your heart to hurt you really, really deeply.  Emotional intimacy is a risk--but one worth taking, IMO.  Sometimes you do get hurt, but for those of us who value relationships with others the risk is worth it.

That's my take on it, anyway.

Gus Dddysgrl

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Question: Why is it the person you love the most...
« Reply #52 on: April 01, 2005, 06:40:19 AM »
Sorry guys if you didn't understand what I meant.

The games I'm talking about are putting "stuff" off to make sure that it's worth it to be with that guy.  However if we turn down some requests we lose the guy.  Therefore we still have to act like we're interested.  Our turndowns may seem like a rejection, but they aren't.  I guess what I'm saying is girls have to show interest, without seeming like they are ready to do anything for the guy.  If everyone were totally honest with what they wanted there would be a lot less broken hearts.

I really don't like the mind games and all that.  Maybe that's why many of my relationships didn't last long (till the last one. Smiley  )  I would be too upfront and honest, and the guys I was with didn't like that.  

I'm so glad I'm not in the dating game anymore.  Sorry for those of you who are.  Hope things work out for y'all.

Leigh Ober


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Question: Why is it the person you love the most...
« Reply #53 on: April 01, 2005, 06:58:21 AM »
oh it is gusd!! i'm currently working on reproducing asexually. not much success yet, but i'm optimistic!

[cells divide!]
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Question: Why is it the person you love the most...
« Reply #54 on: April 01, 2005, 12:39:34 PM »
you grow to love and trust the person very much, and if that person shatters all those months/years of built up trust and love, well, it can be very traumatizing...


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Question: Why is it the person you love the most...
« Reply #55 on: April 01, 2005, 04:03:35 PM »
Good golly.

Sorry about the boy Uvacat. If its any consolation, in six months, you'll probably think of him as "old whatsisname." Smiley

Some advice from an obsessively single chica:

Rule one: Don't date men who tell you they are nice guys. Any man who tells you he is a nice guy can immediately be written off as an ahole. There are nice guys out there, but they don't wear signs. Self-described nice guys are typically self-centered whiners. They're right. No one wants to date them.

Rule two: Ditto anyone who tells you that women only want to date jerks. The thing that they usually miss in this equation was the if women only wanted to date aholes, they themselves would probably be overwhelmed with dates. Review rule one.

Look for a sense of humor. Trust me, in interactions between human beings, it's  one trait that actually helps.


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Question: Why is it the person you love the most...
« Reply #56 on: April 01, 2005, 06:52:23 PM »
dudette! like, i'm soooo way ahead of ya barbara. i tell everyone from the get-go that i'm an ehh-whole.

oh yeah, i also divulge another detail that most men lie about: two inches. Smiley

either i'll wow you with my honesty or my modesty, whatever works. cheesy
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Question: Why is it the person you love the most...
« Reply #57 on: April 02, 2005, 02:09:00 AM »
Spiff: Cheesy

Honesty is good. Smiley


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Question: Why is it the person you love the most...
« Reply #58 on: April 02, 2005, 02:40:12 AM »

It isn't only men, believe me. I once had a woman make passionate love to me on a Friday, tell me how much she loved me (wanted to have kids and all that, too) and couldn't wait to see me again on Saturday, but then turn as cold as ice on Sunday. Monday she said she needed to think about some things, Tuesday she acted indifferent, Wednesday she denied it when I remarked that she was distancing herself, then Thursday she sent me a "Dear John" e-mail. Can you believe it? I mean come on, if you're going to rip someone's freakin' heart out at least have the decency to do it in person or over the telephone. The strange part was that this was all done without there ever having being an argument, problem, or cross word passed between us! It was like the Titanic, smooth sailing right up until the unseen iceberg. Oh, but she swore up and down that she'd meant every word she'd said about her feelings for me. It was just that she'd been "overwhelmed" and didn't feel the same anymore.

Yeah, right. In less than a week she was sleeping with her new beau, only to throw him over for someone else a month after that, and so on. As a matter of fact she's still on the prowl for fresh victims....

Women.......these days whenever I'm in the mood I either rent em' or borrow them from someone else for awhile. To heck with that relationship crap.
"Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another."

~ H.L. Mencken

"I've never killed a man, but I've read many an obituary with a great deal of satisfaction."

~ Mark Twain


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Question: Why is it the person you love the most...
« Reply #59 on: April 02, 2005, 03:16:51 AM »
Because women are a commodity!

Next thing you know, they'll be offering flipping coupons for 'em in the Sunday paper.


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Question: Why is it the person you love the most...
« Reply #60 on: April 02, 2005, 05:05:15 AM »
Quote from: one45auto
The strange part was that this was all done without there ever having being an argument, problem, or cross word passed between us! It was like the Titanic, smooth sailing right up until the unseen iceberg. Oh, but she swore up and down that she'd meant every word she'd said about her feelings for me. It was just that she'd been "overwhelmed" and didn't feel the same anymore.

I'm sorry one45auto. It was like that with me, months of smooth sailing and all of a sudden my life was turned upside down. I ended up being the one to break up with him, now he wants back. He thinks we can get to the point before the last 3 weeks. I swear you guys are enough to fustrate me. I think I'm probably going to stay single for a nice long time and go for the rent or borrow a guy when I need one :-P
Nothing like a couple hundred rounds down range to make a girl feel better.  


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Question: Why is it the person you love the most...
« Reply #61 on: April 02, 2005, 10:15:04 AM »
Quote from: uvakat
I swear you guys are enough to fustrate me. I think I'm probably going to stay single for a nice long time and go for the rent or borrow a guy when I need one :-P
Why not? It works for me. ;-)

Quote from: barbara
Rule two: Ditto anyone who tells you that women only want to date jerks. The thing that they usually miss in this equation was the if women only wanted to date aholes, they themselves would probably be overwhelmed with dates. Review rule one.
One problem with that theory is that I've had numerous female friends - women I wasn't romantically involved with, tell me flat out that women prefer "bad boys" and thus tend to fall for jerks. Bear in mind that those statements not only came from women, but were unsolicted and volunteered without my having asked. According to them, nice guys are "boring" and "predictable" and thus valued more as friends - which, if we were to take a poll, is probably how most "nice" men on this board have ended up. This is precisely why I cringe whenever a woman uses that term to describe me. "Cute" is good, but the minute a date says you're "nice" you'd better ask the waiter for the check and cut your losses. :-P
"Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another."

~ H.L. Mencken

"I've never killed a man, but I've read many an obituary with a great deal of satisfaction."

~ Mark Twain


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Question: Why is it the person you love the most...
« Reply #62 on: April 03, 2005, 01:38:50 AM »
I've heard a number of women on this board tell you differently. We hear what we want to hear.


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Question: Why is it the person you love the most...
« Reply #63 on: April 03, 2005, 01:59:48 PM »
Just my two bits...

Romantic love involves an all-consuming dependency on each other.
Lasting love is in large part about mutual trust, which empowers the same mutual dependency.
It's a debilitating bliss, to be sure., but a liberating, exhilarating one beyond price.
In love, as in faith, there is a certain strength in surrender...
for both men and women.

A woman can place ultimate priority on her strong-willed independence,
and then hope for a man she can dominate and ultimately lose respect for.
A man place a priority on getting sex, and hope for women (plural!)
he can objectify, degrade, and abuse to inflame his frustration.

In a successful relationship there's plenty of empowerment and strength,
and tons of increasingly breath-taking sex, even after many, many years.
Without fear of mutual dependency, two really do become one.

A self-assured, independent person isn't afraid to take a backseat to the person they love.
I can attest that this is can (again) be debilitating, in a comical way, for example
the matter of deciding on a restaurant:
(You decide/ No, you decide/ No, please, I want you to choose what you like/ argh, haha/ etc..)

It all ends up in a warm curling-up together ANYWAY,  so maybe the particular food doesn't matter,

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Question: Why is it the person you love the most...
« Reply #64 on: April 03, 2005, 05:22:40 PM »
Quote from: one45auto
One problem with that theory is that I've had numerous female friends - women I wasn't romantically involved with, tell me flat out that women prefer "bad boys" and thus tend to fall for jerks. Bear in mind that those statements not only came from women, but were unsolicted and volunteered without my having asked. According to them, nice guys are "boring" and "predictable" and thus valued more as friends - which, if we were to take a poll, is probably how most "nice" men on this board have ended up. This is precisely why I cringe whenever a woman uses that term to describe me. "Cute" is good, but the minute a date says you're "nice" you'd better ask the waiter for the check and cut your losses. :-P
Quote from: Barbara
I've heard a number of women on this board tell you differently. We hear what we want to hear.
For what it's worth, the friend from high school who has dated (or made out with) almost every single girl I knew was also one of the biggest jerks.  He routinely ignored them or treated them like crap.  On the other hand, I've been single for the last five years (to the day today, actually).  And not particularly by choice either.  And I do get described as a "nice guy" by a lot of people.  I know women always say they want a nice guy, but here we are.  Not that it matters that much.  I'm joining the Army in three months, so the heck with it.

Nothing particular to quote.  Because EVERYTHING you said was well said.  Thanks for sharing.