Author Topic: The Gun Control Bandwagon  (Read 79049 times)


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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #325 on: March 15, 2018, 01:14:54 PM »
Here is another example of peaceful liberals protesting violence...

Read the comments if available. classic libtard response, "if the victim had just kept his mouth shut he wouldn't have gotten hurt".
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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #326 on: March 15, 2018, 06:19:49 PM »

Obama's DOJ forced the deletion of 500,000 fugitives from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)
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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #329 on: March 16, 2018, 02:48:09 PM »

So was he supposed to go to some other room, with the other non-participating students, or was he being dragooned into the child soldier army of darkness?
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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #330 on: March 16, 2018, 03:00:55 PM »
So was he supposed to go to some other room, with the other non-participating students, or was he being dragooned into the child soldier army of darkness?

Yes, those were his 2 choices, and he chose neither (a form of protest in itself.)  Where was the teacher who was supposed to be in his class, or where was the substitute teacher?

Kid is not blameless here, but he should wear his suspension as a badge of honor.  His protests ("I'm supposed to be in class, so that's where I am going") is being punished and the other protesters, who BTW are truants, are not.  First and 14th Amendment violations.  Rather than sue the school, just take the punishment (it's a suspension, not an expulsion) and claim the moral high ground.
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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #331 on: March 16, 2018, 03:11:09 PM »
Yes, those were his 2 choices, and he chose neither (a form of protest in itself.)  Where was the teacher who was supposed to be in his class, or where was the substitute teacher?

Kid is not blameless here, but he should wear his suspension as a badge of honor.  His protests ("I'm supposed to be in class, so that's where I am going") is being punished and the other protesters, who BTW are truants, are not.  First and 14th Amendment violations.  Rather than sue the school, just take the punishment (it's a suspension, not an expulsion) and claim the moral high ground.

Agreed.  Then right his college entry essays on how it feels to be persecuted for taking a moral stand.  (leave out which stand it was, depending on the college.)


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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #332 on: March 17, 2018, 11:57:21 AM »
Scroll to bottom. This was news to me. The Parkland shooter only used ten round magazines?
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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #333 on: March 17, 2018, 12:51:10 PM »
A plan is just a list of things that doesn't happen.
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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #334 on: March 17, 2018, 12:54:20 PM »
Another source that leftys won't dismiss as pure propaganda:

Cruz went in with only 10-round magazines because larger clips would not fit in his duffel bag, Book said.

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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #335 on: March 17, 2018, 05:29:56 PM »
I've been ambivalent at best about open carry protests or demonstrations, especially the Chipotle tard-variety.

However, I'm NOW seeing where it would actually do some, if not a LOT of good.

Instead of doing open carry marches at random public places, or around state capitals, they should be held outside the offices/studios of MSM outlets, anti-gun .orgs, and schools/universities. I'm thinking back to when pro-RKBA .orgs and people started publicly posting the addresses and info of newspaper editors, when they got on the bandwagon of publishing concealed carry license holders, and how all of them eventually backed down, retreated, or caved.

There's an analogy from police work when confronting someone, that there's a continuum or progression of "Ask", then "Tell",  then "Make".  An open carry march in the face of the grassroots for anti-RKBA would be a CLEAR sign that the pro-RKBA side is escalating, and upping the ante from "Ask" to "Tell". And it leaves unspoken that white-collar Lefty types are almost all universally unequipped, mentally, or physically to handle it if things ever get to the "Make" stage.

Lets be honest with ourselves, we always bend over backward to deny this, but whenever our side makes a public demonstration over gun rights, there's an implied threat. Instead of denying the obvious... use it.

Every time they all pipe up and clamor for gun control or bans, imagine if we brought the fear and discomfort of an OC march or protest straight to the SOURCE. Forget about the politicians and the government. They already know what we think based on how we vote. It's the MSM and Academia that makes the politicians forget how we voted, and does so by creating a false consensus through substituting the volume of the anti-gun arguments for actual substance or backing.

Will the MSM and Academia scream bloody murder, probably throwing around statements about the First Amendment? Of course. However, if you're smart, you understand the notion of "no such thing as bad press", and how it opens up the debate in ways that are very easy for us to counter. "The founders never foresaw radio, TV, or the Internet" etc. And of course, it's reasonable to assume that looking at the last election, 50% +/- of the American public hates the MSM and does not trust them anyway.

If and yes, it's a big IF, because getting anything done in terms of protest or civil disobedience on the Libertarian/Right side of things is like herding cats, but if we could CONSISTENTLY open carry march on TV stations, newspapers, schools, or anti-gun .orgs, they'd eventually clam up, and while the Left never gives up, they can and will redirect their efforts onto other things.  
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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #336 on: March 17, 2018, 11:06:09 PM »

You're saying they'd shut up, because they'd be afraid of us?
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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #337 on: March 17, 2018, 11:26:11 PM »

You're saying they'd shut up, because they'd be afraid of us?

Of course, they'll up the ante at first, scream bloody murder, and push back in whatever way they can, but if it was consistent, and nationwide, then yes, they'd eventually shut up out of fear, or at least out of frustration. Either would be acceptable.

And while the anti-RKBA movement is full of well-meaning idiots at the lower rungs who merely wring their hands "for the children" (sniff)... the middle managment and leadership of these groups and movements certainly are after RKBA because of US, and not the individual atrocity they're citing. And if you look back, any of the large sweeping gun control movements that actually got passed into law where because the government, state or federal was AFRAID of the people.

Jim Crow/Antebellum Reconstruction gun laws. - Afraid of free blacks and what they might do with guns.

NFA '34. - Was it REALLY over prohibition and the mob? No. The much larger concern was the Great Depression, and labor union strife.

GCA '68. - That was obvious, MLK, JFK, RFK etc. were flashpoints, but the much larger worry was that "the nuts" were among the populace at large. And all the other riots, Detroit, Watts, DNC convo in Chicago added to it too.

AWB '94. - Terrified of the militia movement.

It has ALWAYS been about disarming US en-masse, it has never really been about "crime" other than as window dressing and misdirection. The people who are against us at the top aren't stupid, they know full well a nutball kid could do more damage (and much more horrific for the survivors) with a bucket of gasoline and a road flare. And they know what happened to alcohol in Prohibition. It simply went underground, and became a valuable commodity worth killing over. They know guns won't be any different. And they know as well as we do that a criminal willing to commit murder does not care if his gun is illegal.

So it's always been US that scares them. They can't come right out and say that, or they lose elections and get spanked like they did in '94, but we all know what it actually is.

We saw the first signs of giving up out of frustration rhetoric from the anti's in editorials after Sandy Hook. I don't want to be crass, but in the American collective-subconscious mass-shooting carnage-o-meter, grade school kids are like a "10", while high schools or colleges are more like a "5". As long as the number of victims is in the double digits, their ages and demographics tug at everyone's heart strings more than the actual body count IMO. In that sense, the Parkland Shooting reaction is much more astroturf, and is really only having it's volume cranked up to eleven because Trump is in office. And unfortunately, as the MSM and the Left often does, they manage to substitute their noise level for actual grass-roots support, to the point even RINO politicians will fall for it.

The tit-for-tat against the newspapers printing CCW databases I cite above is a perfect example. When our side actually gins up a bit of Honeybadger attitude, and actually goes after them (within the confines of the law) in a way that hurts, they fold like a cheap suit.

It certainly wouldn't be a "one and done" thing, and our side would need some serious organization to pull it off. Do what we can to filter out false-flag agents provocateur and push the fat bubba neckbeard with the Tapcofarked SKS who was either too stupid or stubborn to get the memo of "Dress Business Casual" to the far back, and keep him away from any press that actually have the balls to come out for some soundbites. Probably would have to pass out security lanyards with difficult to fake badges or papers in them. And deny them to anybody who hasn't been vouched for, attended the pre-protest seminar, and/or shows up not following the dress code. Then make it clear if you don't have a badge, we'll tell law enforcement (who most assuredly will be there) that so-n-so is not with us, and we're concerned they're an agitator, and might do something.

« Last Edit: March 17, 2018, 11:39:15 PM by AJ Dual »
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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #339 on: March 18, 2018, 01:29:38 PM »

This kind of thing is going to drive every actual American out of the deep blue states, isn't it?

But, "gun duffel bag"? Is that the kind of duffel bag that's too small to hold "high-capacity" magazines?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 06:36:08 PM by fistful »
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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #340 on: March 18, 2018, 04:52:19 PM »
They are stepping on a lot more then just their 2A rights. The school has decided that none of the students can join the cub scouts or boy scouts if they have rifle teams like most around here do. The students can't join any shooting sports teams. Or even attend a gun safety class.

They should go down hard in court but this is NJ.

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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #341 on: March 18, 2018, 07:39:36 PM »
They are stepping on a lot more then just their 2A rights. The school has decided that none of the students can join the cub scouts or boy scouts if they have rifle teams like most around here do. The students can't join any shooting sports teams. Or even attend a gun safety class.

They should go down hard in court but this is NJ.

....maybe federal court then.
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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #343 on: March 19, 2018, 09:06:20 AM »
People from the places Hillary won visit places where she didn't:

You can’t tell me that any kind of background check is being done when you can buy a gun in a convenience store. Convenient for what? Robbing the store itself? How moronic is this?
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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #344 on: March 19, 2018, 09:47:45 AM »
People from the places Hillary won visit places where she didn't:

The gas station loophole!!   :O

Twitter commentary:

Their customers think the Civil War has just been on pause for 150 years.

No, I'm pretty sure that would describe the people who are triggered by statues and Confederate flags.
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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #345 on: March 19, 2018, 10:10:25 AM »
Here's a perfect example of why the liberal gun haters have created the very problem they moan about. They won't allow "commonsense" firearms education in schools ... so a 9-year old kid grabbed a pistol and shot his 13-year old sister in the head because she wouldn't let him have the video controller.

When I was a kid, there were unsecured firearms in my grandparents' house and all the extended family in my parents' generation had firearms. NOBODY ever thought about grabbing a gun to settle a dispute over who got to play with a favorite toy. By the age of nine we had already learned how to shoot, and we had learned the guns can kill, so we didn't fool around with guns.

The grabbers will, of course, blame this incident on the gun. They won't allow consideration of failed parenting, that led a 9-year old to believe the enacting violence on his sister was an acceptable dispute resolution tactic. They won't allow consideration of the fact that a 9-year old should have been taught that life isn't the movies and that shooting other people is not the way to settle an argument. They won't allow consideration of the fact that youth today are growing up to believe that violence is the first resort to settling disputes, and that guns are nothing more than a tool used in the perpetration of the violence rather than  the cause of the violence.

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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #347 on: March 19, 2018, 01:47:59 PM »
Agreed.  Then right his college entry essays on how it feels to be persecuted for taking a moral stand.  (leave out which stand it was, depending on the college.)

I was reading comments about this last night on a news site.  Someone compared him to Rosa Parks -- both refused to give up their seat.  I wish I'd thought of that :D  Heads were exploding.
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Re: The Gun Control Bandwagon
« Reply #348 on: March 19, 2018, 02:29:59 PM »
In addition, Hawkmoon, they won't acknowledge that intentional and accidental shootings are both trending down.

Also, this!
I guess that is one example of a built in safety mechanism.  If you are too stupid to properly load the magazines, the gun won't fire. 
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