It appears that Trump has acknowledged a half dozen people on his VP "short list":
Former President Trump acknowledged at a Fox News town hall in South Carolina that Ron DeSantis, Tim Scott, Vivek Ramaswamy, Kristi Noem, Bryon Donalds and Tulsi Gabbard are on his running mate shortlist.
My thoughts:
Ron DeSantis: I suppose he could be seen as a rudder (or anchor) that could help focus things to Trump policy vs Trump twitter. He has to me always been Trumpish in policy without the teenage mean girl baggage. He has the "I don't take *expletive deleted*it" attitude that would keep him from being an international pushover.
Tim Scott: I think he's a smart, good guy, but I get the feeling he would be looked at as a male Kamala - chosen just because of his color rather than his ability, even though he has the ability.
Vivek: Possibly a draw to younger voters and independents. In some ways he has the Trump "out there" personality, but he seems to be able to navigate the social medias much better than Trump, and he's much better at comebacks when he's insulted.
Kristi Noem: She seems like a solid choice as a woman VP not chosen simply because she's a woman. Some of the purported and alleged personal life stuff that has been in the news could be a negative.
Bryan Donalds: I honestly don't know much about him, so can't comment. He seems to have his act together in the limited interviews I've seen with him.
Tulsi Gabbard: I know a lot of guys here don't like her, but she's an interesting choice. She has the same "avoid wars and sticking our noses in other people's business" viewpoint as Trump has, and I think a lot of that is why she seems to be saying lots of pro-Trump stuff of late. I know that most of the youtube former snake eaters whose podcasts I watch all seem to think very highly of her. I think she would draw a lot of independents away from Biden and/or from staying home instead of voting. Also those people who don't like Trump, but have been questioning the political attacks on Trump by the establishment (the "If they can do it to him, they can do it to me" crowd, which Tulsi seems to be a part of).