Author Topic: N.Y. Drops Citizenship Proof For Driver's Licenses  (Read 7341 times)


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Re: N.Y. Drops Citizenship Proof For Driver's Licenses
« Reply #50 on: September 28, 2007, 01:09:25 PM »
i will tell you excactly how i feel; we should that is the United States should declare war on mexico then these illegal aliens would be enemy aliens. their promoters would then be collaborators who should be hanged. comprende?


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Re: N.Y. Drops Citizenship Proof For Driver's Licenses
« Reply #51 on: September 28, 2007, 01:11:57 PM »
Yeah, another war, that's the ticket.  rolleyes

cassandra and sara's daddy

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Re: N.Y. Drops Citizenship Proof For Driver's Licenses
« Reply #52 on: September 28, 2007, 02:59:48 PM »
known a quite a few immigrants both legal and illegal(worked food service and construction)  found much to admire in them.  takes a certain kinda man to walk 1500 miles at 16 to start a new life. add to that that many of the immigrants i know come from places they had to leave or die, and that often the messes they fled were of our(the usa's) making. i've always been thought o a hard worker but amongst most of the immigrants i worked with i hada press hard to be  high average. i've found it hard not to like loyal hardworking family folks. there are other reasons  but one i need to explain carefully so not to tar good honorable sincere folk with too broad a brush is that i have encountered amongst the anti crowd certain kinda folk. they are in the minority cause i do believe that many many minute man folk are good honorable people but amongst them there are people i can always spot. they exude a nasty miasma. they have existed always as predators abusing the weak for kicks. in my lifei've run against these fellers(and a few women) more than once. they are and always will be my enemy. they never give quarter nor should they ever expect it from me.the irish in me makes the memories i hold of bleeding while making them bleed amongst my finest.
i understand those who fear the immigrants though i don't. i have no control over their fear and the may be right.
i respect those who are opposed on legal principle. i have no choice . a man of principle deserves no less even tough his point of view is different from mine. and again they may well be right.lord knows i'm not the oracle
but i have always lived with "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and there is a strong component against the imigrants that is to me like a roach underfoot. and they often hide behind education and nice clothes.but the aroma gives em away. and i promisethat i will never waver in opposing and hunting them. to me they are the vultures that lurk on the fringes of society and seek to latch on to a veneer of class by hitching their star to that good folks.

sorry bout the long windedness and i can't stress enough its not my intent to slander any of the many good folks on here.and to any good honorable folks on here who think i've slandered them i apologize and assure you its not my intent.
and should you be one of those i hunt may we meet soon while i'm young enough to enjoy it


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Re: N.Y. Drops Citizenship Proof For Driver's Licenses
« Reply #53 on: September 28, 2007, 03:29:50 PM »
I am left to wonder where all that is coming from...

Nobody on this forum, as far as I can tell, is against immigration - meaning the legal kind. You might be trying to run away from hell itself; you are still breaking the laws of this country if you enter and stay illegally. So, that's no excuse especially since there are hundreds of thousands out there that go through the legal channels every year, and they certainly do not come from the Garden of Eden either.

There is a completely separate argument about legal immigration quotas, and reasonable people can disagree on the exact numbers. The only people that mix illegal and legal immigration are of two varieties: 1) the mentally negligent, and 2) sly propagandists that want to forward their agenda in the mirky water.


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Re: N.Y. Drops Citizenship Proof For Driver's Licenses
« Reply #54 on: September 28, 2007, 05:41:59 PM »
seems like they hanged about 40 irish that deserted during the mexican war. i am not advocating air strikes or blockading ports. declaring war would clear somewhat murky waters . and,congress could reclaim their war powers back from the president at the same time. a war is what we already have. if we are not beseiged,why do we need passports to come and go,and no other nationality needs them to come or go?

of course,we could devolve into a type of feudalism,which is evidently what many of you want.

or to "dialogue" what,with liberation theologists or chavezistas? suckers.