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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #125 on: August 29, 2008, 08:52:02 PM »
There's one other group that her choice will deeply affect: Sportsmen.

And when I say "Sportsmen", I specifically mean that group derisively known as "Fudds"--the folks who consider themselves Hunters before they are Gun Owners, the ones who just know their 30-30 won't be taken away. This is not a woman who dresses up in never-used Filson gear for a photo shoot; this is a woman who has hunted MOOSE, and has gutted and dressed it.  I can't wait to see the "trophy" photos!  And Alaska is like the American Holy Hunting Grounds.

Let's see how the "Sportsmen for Obama" sputter out a defense now!!

There's picture of her with a recently deceased Caribou in this thread

I can't wait to see Obama dressed up to crawling through the wood with his trusty double barrel shotgun to go Deer Hunting.......
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #126 on: August 29, 2008, 09:14:56 PM »
I thought this was a good pick before, but, having read some of the overwhelming tide of bile that has spewed from the pro-Obama camps since she was named, I am now of the opinion that this was a great choice - they must be seriously concerned in order to overreact so spectacularly.
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #127 on: August 29, 2008, 09:15:55 PM »
My first post at APS. I was getting sick of THR's rules on politics. Though they are a great forum, I just think that banning political discussion at this very important time for our gun rights to be an intelligent decision. That being said:

I could not be happier with McCain's pick for VP. I was deathly afraid he was going to pick the Blissninny Romney.

Although I do think that her selection was definitely a "strategic" move.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #128 on: August 29, 2008, 09:20:49 PM »
Welcome to APS Combat.

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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #129 on: August 29, 2008, 09:24:39 PM »
It seems (admittedly from this BBC piece, which has been very softly Obamish in its reporting) that Obama has now thrown the initial reaction from Burton (earlier on the thread) under the bus:

The warm words from Mr Obama and Mr Biden were in contrast to earlier remarks by Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton, who suggested Mr McCain's choice of Mrs Palin was irresponsible.

Mr Obama said Mr Burton's remarks had been a "hair trigger" reaction to the announcement and did not reflect his or Mr Biden's true sentiments.
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #130 on: August 29, 2008, 09:26:58 PM »
RE:  Palin as a token

She's only a token to the same extent that every other VP candidate is a token.  Like Cheney and Biden are (were) the token experienced guys.  And Edwards was the token Southern guy.  And Al Gore was the token too-boring-to-be-a-glib-philanderer guy.   cheesy

The point being, no one really expects the VP to do much of anything, so he's mainly a sop to whichever "community" the Pres candidate doesn't resemble. 
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #131 on: August 29, 2008, 09:30:33 PM »
RE:  Palin as a token

She's only a token to the same extent that every other VP candidate is a token.  Like Cheney and Biden are (were) the token experienced guys.  And Edwards was the token Southern guy.  And Al Gore was the token too-boring-to-be-a-glib-philanderer guy.   cheesy

The point being, no one really expects the VP to do much of anything, so he's mainly a sop to whichever "community" the Pres candidate doesn't resemble. 

Indeed.  I do dislike however the endless spin by the media (on behalf of BHO) that this is a sop to women - its not, since IMHO its a sop to you lot.
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #132 on: August 29, 2008, 09:38:39 PM »

If Obama's people read that, they're going to have a panic attack... Bunch of ANGRY mostly women who are now for McCain/Palin due to their treatement by the DNC. Awesome.

More on that.  A TV interview with the head (I think) of that PUMA group.

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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #133 on: August 29, 2008, 09:43:31 PM »
  I do dislike however the endless spin by the media (on behalf of BHO) that this is a sop to women - its not, since IMHO its a sop to you lot.

As Ezekiel pointed out; it's both.  What I don't understand is, since she's no more a token than anyone else, why he brought it up.  Unless he's just trying to annoy us all.  Surely not.   rolleyes

Interesting thing, though.  If one wishes to cynically view her as nothing more than a token girl, then musn't one view Obama much more as a token Black guy?  Plucked from obscurity, with no credentials, to be the President of the U.S?  And this from the party that told us for eight years that Bush was just a puppet, with Cheney holding the strings?  These people are such a study in transference, it's just become a satire. 
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #134 on: August 29, 2008, 10:12:18 PM »
Allowing gun control in any way shape or form is allowing gun control - even if only a small amount. Being fine with people not being allowed to purchase firearms they want (in this case, full auto carbines) is gun control, pure and simple. The reasoning behind this, in your own words?

There is stratification in America, and there should be a standard -- beyond breathing -- to legally obtain such powerful tools.  (I'm pretty certain that most of America agrees.)  Not everyone deserves them.

Who decides what the standards are?

The voters?  Seems simple, to me.

Wrong.  That's why we have a Bill of Rights, to prevent tyranny by the majority.

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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #135 on: August 29, 2008, 10:21:40 PM »
CNN is playing nonstop footage of her firing "fully automatic assault weapons" and several experts are claiming that this is a ploy to energize the "far right".  It's almost as if I'm watching a conspiracy channel.

I really hope this woman is as good as she seems on the surface.  Can you imagine having a NRA life member as VP and possibly even POTUS in the future?  It will be a HUGE HUGE victory for us.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #136 on: August 29, 2008, 11:49:44 PM »
Palin was a great choice for McCain's VP, but she won't win the election for him.
I'd really like to see her, or someone like her, as POTUS, but it won't happen this go-round.
Once the MSM gets their collective feet back under them, they will start spinning the (tempest in a teapot) ethics charges that were leveled against her, and her perceived lack of experience, into huge negatives, and the initial excitement will be gone.
BHO is the MSM's candidate, they will not let him lose.
McCain might get a bounce of a few points over the next week or so, but it will dissipate and settle back into a 5-6 point lead for BHO that will carry him through the election.
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #137 on: August 30, 2008, 12:04:50 AM »
Palin was a great choice for McCain's VP.  But she won't win the election for him.
I'd really like to see her, or someone like her, as POTUS. But it won't happen this go-round.
Once the MSM gets their collective feet back under them, they will start spinning the (tempest in a teapot) ethics charges and her perceived lack of experience, and the initial excitement will be gone.
BHO is the MSM's candidate.
McCain might get a bounce of a few points over the next week or so, but it will dissapate and settle back into a 5-6 point lead for BHO that will carry him through the election.
I largely agree with you, but this is the only thing McCain has done to motivate the base. He has to get the base out on 11/4 to win.  It has also helped with women. Palin's story resonates on many levels. If she holds up under the lens, this could be huge.
If the bandersnatch seems even mildly frumious, best to shun it.  Really.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #138 on: August 30, 2008, 12:41:49 AM »
I too am a lifelong democrat that got thrown under the bus by my party of 22 yrs and by Barack Obama and his merry band of 12yr old followers.I will be voting McCain/Palin and am damn proud to do so!!!!


Honestly, it seems that for the past 8 years or so, Democrats have been doing the "dirty work" of getting people to open their eyes for the Republicans. They could at least be wise enough to wait until AFTER getting into power to start tossing people under the bus...
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #139 on: August 30, 2008, 03:29:48 AM »
Also, when she got into office, she fired her cook and driver, because she said she can cook and drive herself. Her own vehicle she already had, I think it was a Cherokee.
Is that true? Got a source? 

I do:

 Watching her everyday life, its easy to forget Palin is the governor, a quality that unnerves her security detail. She likes to go running alone. She often walks down the road to meet Pipers school bus. And although she could have a driver with her at all times, she often prefers driving herself.

I know I dont need a chauffeur, thats for sure, she said. Their time can be better spent elsewhere. I watch people slogging through a slushy parking lot to get to a building and I know I should be doing the same thing. Also, I do like getting to just chill for a 10-minute drive into (Wasilla), or my commute into Anchorage. Its nice and quiet, and private.

 In the end, Palin is a practical, real-life person applying the rules of everyday life to government. When she laid off the chef at the governors mansion, it was not because of poor performance; she simply didnt need one.

She told me, I get home from the capital at 9, 10 oclock. I can warm up something myself,  Heath said. The lady was a good cook, but the kids would rather have a hot dog than a gourmet crab cake.

Bristol, upon returning from a shopping trip in Anchorage, received Palins nod of approval for the $15 dress she bought for the nights gala they were about to attend. No need for a $300 gown, Palin said.

But when Bristol revealed she spent $30 on leg waxingThat was supposed to be gas money, Todd Palin said disapprovinglythe governor wasnt too happy, either.

Thats a waste of money, she said. You have razors.

Seems pretty down to earth and sensible. The article is pretty good.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #140 on: August 30, 2008, 03:34:12 AM »
Can you imagine having a NRA life member as VP and possibly even POTUS in the future? 

You mean like Bush Sr.?
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #142 on: August 30, 2008, 06:55:00 AM »
Whatever you think of McCain, pro or con, Palin was his enduring gift to America.  The old aviator knew he had to fight the mythic mojo of Obama with more archetypal energy.  Palin embodies core American virtues and the ancient American identity, right down to her marriage.  She offers the prospect of renewing the nation.  That's despite what happens this November.
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #143 on: August 30, 2008, 07:38:11 AM »
"Idiot!  A long life eating mush is best."
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #144 on: August 30, 2008, 09:44:31 AM »
Continetti appears to believe that corruption and mismanagement are synonymous with only one political party.

I wouldn't call this exactly "reasonably balanced."
"Domari nolo."

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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #145 on: August 30, 2008, 10:27:54 AM »
Mark Steyn is always witty, and sometimes hilarious.

Anyways, all you prospective immigrants, Steyn has your number...

The hostess with the moosest   [Mark Steyn]

Over in the Frumistan province of the NR caliphate, our pal David is not happy about the Palin pick. I am - for several reasons.

First, Governor Palin is not merely, as Jay describes her, "all-American", but hyper-American. What other country in the developed world produces beauty queens who hunt caribou and serve up a terrific moose stew? As an immigrant, I'm not saying I came to the United States purely to meet chicks like that, but it was certainly high on my list of priorities. And for the gun-totin' Miss Wasilla then to go on to become Governor while having five kids makes it an even more uniquely American story. Next to her resume, a guy who's done nothing but serve in the phony-baloney job of "community organizer" and write multiple autobiographies looks like just another creepily self-absorbed lifelong member of the full-time political class that infests every advanced democracy.

Second, it can't be in Senator Obama's interest for the punditocracy to spends its time arguing about whether the Republicans' vice-presidential pick is "even more" inexperienced than the Democrats' presidential one.

Third, real people don't define "experience" as appearing on unwatched Sunday-morning talk shows every week for 35 years and having been around long enough to have got both the War on Terror and the Cold War wrong. (On the first point, at the Gun Owners of New Hampshire dinner in the 2000 campaign, I remember Orrin Hatch telling me sadly that he was stunned to discover how few Granite State voters knew who he was.) Sarah Palin and Barack Obama are more or less the same age, but Governor Palin has run a state and a town and a commercial fishing operation, whereas (to reprise a famous line on the Rev Jackson) Senator Obama ain't run nothin' but his mouth. She's done the stuff he's merely a poseur about. Post-partisan? She took on her own party's corrupt political culture directly while Obama was sucking up to Wright and Ayers and being just another get-along Chicago machine pol (see his campaign's thuggish attempt to throttle Stanley Kurtz and Milt Rosenberg on WGN the other night).

Fourth, Governor Palin has what the British Labour Party politician Denis Healy likes to call a "hinterland" - a life beyond politics. Whenever Senator Obama attempts anything non-political (such as bowling), he comes over like a visiting dignitary to a foreign country getting shanghaied into some impenetrable local folk ritual. Sarah Palin isn't just on the right side of the issues intellectually. She won't need the usual stage-managed "hunting" trip to reassure gun owners: she's lived the Second Amendment all her life. Likewise, on abortion, we're often told it's easy to be against it in principle but what if you were a woman facing a difficult birth or a handicapped child? Been there, done that.

Fifth, she complicates all the laziest Democrat pieties. Energy? Unlike Biden and Obama, she's been to ANWR and, like most Alaskans, supports drilling there.

Sixth (see Kathleen's link to Craig Ferguson below), I kinda like the whole naughty librarian vibe. 


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #146 on: August 30, 2008, 11:13:28 AM »
McCain just hit a grand slam and I'm gonna go on record right here & now and predict that Biden will make a political gaffe and the big "O" will regretfully accept Joe's resignation and announce Hillary as the V.P. nominee.  Anything less and the Dem's ticket is sunk.   laugh   


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #147 on: August 30, 2008, 01:09:26 PM »
As Ezekiel pointed out; it's both.  What I don't understand is, since she's no more a token than anyone else, why he brought it up.

Because to NOT bring it up implies a level of fear in stating the obvious, merely because she is a woman.

She is a token, that happens to -- in theory -- bring in a badly desired vote segment.

So was LBJ, but nobody was afraid to say it.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #148 on: August 30, 2008, 04:25:54 PM »
If McCain had wanted to just get himself a "token" there were far safer distaff picks.  No, he picked a woman whose life embodies an America that the Left has been trying to hide and suppress for a long, long time.  She is everything "they" hate; this is a [supply expletive] to the snooty Left.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out, both now and into the future.
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #149 on: August 30, 2008, 07:29:18 PM »
So was LBJ, but nobody was afraid to say it.

Could you explain that one a bit further?  I'm very interested.