Author Topic: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...  (Read 26587 times)


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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #50 on: January 27, 2008, 09:03:34 AM »
Well, the reason I started this whole thing is that a LOT of folks are seemingly leaning toward the democrats' message of "change at any price," and "Bush is eeeeevil, so those other guys are too..." and "nobody running is good enough, so don't bother." (I suspect that a LOT of the latter was originated in a few office buildings around the beltway).
Republicans and Democrats are at about 50/50 split... All the Dems need to do is persuade one lousy percent to either fragment away, not vote, or vote Dem... And I'm guessing they're going to do it.
Which means that we're going to have a retreat from the middle east, with a resulting resurge of "The great satan is weak, so we should attack his heart."
Which means that we're going to see more feelgood legislation, bumping our taxes to pay for "art" and buying color televisions for crackhead welfare mothers.
Which means that we're going to have a president who will say "I will sign an assault weapons ban," _and_ actually work to make sure it makes it to her desk, instead of doing everything in her power, and calling in tons of political favors, to torpedo it...

Which means that we're going to have a lot of you same guys crying about "Why can't I go shooting my AR any more, because if I take it out, and the policeman at the range sees it, they'll put me in jail."
Those of you who are hoping to make money off a ban - next time, they're not going to screw up. All those $10 magazines you're buying up aren't going to be worth $35-40... They're going to be worth 10 years...
And ask yourself if this doesn't sound right... If I was running the Dems' campaigns, I'd damn sure have a BUNCH of folks carefully sowing seeds of dissent among the portions of the Republican party that are most likely to fragment - and gun owners are fickle, independent, and seem to have a really short memory.

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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #51 on: January 27, 2008, 11:29:28 AM »
Remember - the president doesn't initiate legislation. He just rubber-stamps it...

Technically speaking, you're right. The President can't start a bill in congress. But an awful lot of bills (the majority, IIRC) are first slapped together in the White House, then sent to a congress-critter to submit officially. Special interest groups (NRA, Greenpeace) also write up bills, and have their congress-critter pals submit them.


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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #52 on: January 27, 2008, 01:03:33 PM »
Voting for Romney, much as I dislike to do so, is still better than voting for McCain, or Obama, or Hillary. It could very well give us a few more years to prepare for the really, really bad times...

I agree with this about 80%.

Clinton was called "the best republican president" and Reagan got amnesty passed. It might be easier to rally fudds and fence sitters against anti gun laws if we have Hussien or the wicked witch in office.

It might be time though, to create a conservative party to combat the dems and repubs who fall over themselves in inviting illegal wage slaves in and keeping cool guns out.
Politicians and bureaucrats are considered productive if they swarm the populace like a plague of locust, devouring all substance in their path and leaving a swath of destruction like a firestorm. The technical term is "bipartisanship".
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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #53 on: January 27, 2008, 01:41:43 PM »
Remember - the president doesn't initiate legislation. He just rubber-stamps it...

Technically speaking, you're right. The President can't start a bill in congress. But an awful lot of bills (the majority, IIRC) are first slapped together in the White House, then sent to a congress-critter to submit officially. Special interest groups (NRA, Greenpeace) also write up bills, and have their congress-critter pals submit them.

And let's not forget all those beautiful Executive Orders.
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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #54 on: January 27, 2008, 03:32:30 PM »
Stroke of the pen, law of the land... Kinda cool!
Now, I know some folks are peeved because Norinco's on the "nasty" list - but hey, they're there because they were doing some nasties. Hillary would put EVERY overseas manufacturer/importer on the "nasty" list.

Altho, I would like to say one nice thing about her - I think Obama would do it faster...
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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #55 on: January 27, 2008, 05:35:15 PM »
Nope. If Ron Paul gets elected, we'll have four years of political lunacy, with the house and senate going at each other, with veto overrides every other week.
Oh, and another thing to pledge... Thus far, "Bush has used" the Patriot Act to go after "Americans" like Jose Padilla... All you folks who are screaming about him abusing stuff need to promise that you'll scream just as loudly when Hillary uses it, and the department of homeland security, to go after people who the Democrats feel threatened by... Remember those magical IRS audits that showed up on people who were giving the Clintons a hard time? Sheesh.
I am going to assume then that you believe the gun bans are only to stop gangs and criminals from getting guns.  You would believe that the government would not attempt to disarm its citizens, right?  I mean the government could not abuse its power, at least not when the POTUS has an R next to their name.  Am I right?


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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #56 on: January 27, 2008, 05:38:56 PM »
Thing is, most of the Washington Republicans are going to see him as an outsider... Actually, that's also somewhat similar to the Obama bit - I think he'll have a hard time if he gets elected.
  You realize he has been a Congressman for many years now right?


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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #57 on: January 27, 2008, 05:39:43 PM »

Will YOU take a pledge that, if (and when) Guiliani/Romney/Huckabee sign the new AWB or any other right-abridging law passed by a liberal-controlled Congress, you will do a month of mea culpa on this board? 

Bogie: I still haven't heard your answer.......  cool
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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #58 on: January 27, 2008, 05:43:11 PM »
Whichh means that we're going to see more feelgood legislation, bumping our taxes to pay for "art" and buying color televisions for crackhead welfare mothers.
Which means that we're going to have a president who will say "I will sign an assault weapons ban," _and_ actually work to make sure it makes it to her desk, instead of doing everything in her power, and calling in tons of political favors, to torpedo it...

Which means that we're going to have a lot of you same guys crying about "Why can't I go shooting my AR any more, because if I take it out, and the policeman at the range sees it, they'll put me in jail."
Those of you who are hoping to make money off a ban - next time, they're not going to screw up. All those $10 magazines you're buying up aren't going to be worth $35-40... They're going to be worth 10 years...
And ask yourself if this doesn't sound right... If I was running the Dems' campaigns, I'd damn sure have a BUNCH of folks carefully sowing seeds of dissent among the portions of the Republican party that are most likely to fragment - and gun owners are fickle, independent, and seem to have a really short memory.

  Do you have any links to links to legislation that pays for television sets for crackhead mothers?  Or "art" as you say?  How about the previous legislation as you said more legislation, I assume there was some introduced?  I googeld "Bill for  crackhead mothers to get a tv" but could not find one.  Thanks.


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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #59 on: January 27, 2008, 07:29:18 PM »

Will YOU take a pledge that, if (and when) Guiliani/Romney/Huckabee sign the new AWB or any other right-abridging law passed by a liberal-controlled Congress, you will do a month of mea culpa on this board? 

Bogie: I still haven't heard your answer.......  cool

I've posed that question a few times in the past (not necessarily to Bogie) when "propositions" similar to the original post have been made.  Never got a response either. . . rolleyes


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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #60 on: January 27, 2008, 07:37:56 PM »

Will YOU take a pledge that, if (and when) Guiliani/Romney/Huckabee sign the new AWB or any other right-abridging law passed by a liberal-controlled Congress, you will do a month of mea culpa on this board? 

Bogie: I still haven't heard your answer.......  cool

I've posed that question a few times in the past (not necessarily to Bogie) when "propositions" similar to the original post have been made.  Never got a response either. . . rolleyes
  And you never will.


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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #61 on: January 27, 2008, 07:50:09 PM »
Hey, I don't LIVE online... Don't you guys ever take a coffee break between trolling for voters? I'll bet there's a Starbucks on the first floor - go get some.
I don't think that the republicans will be as bad.


How old are you? Do you remember the Bush/Perot/Clinton election?

As for the rest of that stuff - to me, it sounds like your basic "student center debate society rhetoric." No, nothing is specifically labeled "buy a tv set for a crackhead welfare mother" but it might as well be... We've got people that are paying for their groceries with their "state cards" who have their carts full of crap, and we wonder why they look like they need a shoehorn and vaseline to get into their newer car... And you're not going to say anything about the pork projects that fund "art" are you... Because that'll be one heckuva lot easier to specifically google... Remember - there's a man with a gun who can come into your house, and take your money. And you can't do anything about it. In fact, you have to smile and bear it, when he does things like hand it to "artists" who think that smearing their own feces on a public subway wall is "creative."
What is really sad is that a lot of you guys in the "protest vote mutual admiration society" are going to wonder WHY Hillary got elected, after you find out what's going to happen to your toys... The rest of you will be getting your performance bonuses...
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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #62 on: January 27, 2008, 08:02:24 PM »
So you are saying you have no proof that the claim you made is authentic?


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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #63 on: January 27, 2008, 08:34:55 PM »
Son, if you think that people who are on public assistance, welfare, etc., don't use the money to buy stuff like drugs, alcohol, and what many folks who WORK for their money would consider luxury items, then you are likely living in some sort of suburban utopia, or have been spending FAR too much time in the hallowed halls of academia...
Either that, or you also think that smearing one's own feces on a public subway's walls is "protected speech."
Or maybe you think that the only -good- television is that which receives a public subsidy, which coincidentally taken from other people.
I just have to wonder... no, I have to conclude that you are an advocate of vote buying - after all, when 51% of the population discovers that it can force the other 49% of the population to work and provide for them, then you'll have achieved your goal...

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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #64 on: January 27, 2008, 09:00:17 PM »
If you vote for someone other than a Republican candidate, and Hillary/Obama gets elected, and starts enacting all sorts of draconian gun laws (remember "stroke of the pen, law of the land - kinda cool!"), you will swear to just shut up, because you didn't do anything to stop it when you had the chance.
They may not be all the great, but they're better than the alternative. So, if you write in Ron Paul, or Mickey Mouse, or John Holmes, when the crap starts hitting the fan, I don't want to hear you bitching about how your rights are being trampled upon.

I intend to vote for the best candidate on the ballot.  I apologize if I am not appropriately indoctrinated in Party ideology, but that's how it is.

The 'favorites' on both sides don't seem too gun friendly.  Romney seems more anti-gun than Hillary, which is downright scary.

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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #65 on: January 28, 2008, 12:21:00 AM »
Son, if you think that people who are on public assistance, welfare, etc., don't use the money to buy stuff like drugs, alcohol, and what many folks who WORK for their money would consider luxury items, then you are likely living in some sort of suburban utopia, or have been spending FAR too much time in the hallowed halls of academia...
Either that, or you also think that smearing one's own feces on a public subway's walls is "protected speech."
Or maybe you think that the only -good- television is that which receives a public subsidy, which coincidentally taken from other people.
I just have to wonder... no, I have to conclude that you are an advocate of vote buying - after all, when 51% of the population discovers that it can force the other 49% of the population to work and provide for them, then you'll have achieved your goal...

  You make it sound as if those on welfare are living extravagant lives with new sports cars and large tvs.  I am just asking for proof. 

And where did I say that I support feces being smeared on walls as art or that I support public broadcasting? 

I do think it is art if someone feels it means something, that said I could care less for it and I dont think tax dollars should pay for it.  I have to conclude that you are not actually reading what I write.  I am simply asking for you to back up your claims and statements with fact.


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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #66 on: January 28, 2008, 03:49:57 AM »
You make it sound as if those on welfare are living extravagant lives with new sports cars and large tvs. 

Apparently, you've never been out in the real world.

I see it every f***ing day.

Cellphones, TVs, brand new cars, IPODS, computers, all are far from necessities. BUT I see many, many people on welfare who do have all of that and more.

NO news network is going to touch it. Nobody is going to write an article. Mainly because a good portion of welfare reciepients- at least down here, are black, and to say anything against them is practically a hate crime.

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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #67 on: January 28, 2008, 06:37:29 AM »
Well, you seem to support government subsidization of just about everything - One can only assume that art would be one of the major things that you feel the government should have control of...
I suppose there's also a civil rights thing at hand too... I mean, if you're driving around with plans and planning to make a weapon that'll kill a bunch of folks, you should just be allowed to go ahead and do it, since you're not hurting anyone up until you hit the button...

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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #68 on: January 28, 2008, 07:30:15 AM »
Agree with you Bogie, 1000%.  With me, I am at the point of outright hating the welfare folks, all of them.  Its sad that so many forget the the 2A is a CIVIL RIGHT.  There is not much difference between the Democrats and Republicans.  We are all in the handbasket headed for hell, The Democrats want to take the express lane and the Republicans are on the Sunday drive.  So all of you 3rd party folks, pull a Perot and give it to a Democrat, just done bi&ch about it later. 


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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #69 on: January 28, 2008, 07:45:50 AM »
Oh, and it's a win/win situation too! If someone is allowed to drive around with the stuff to make a Bad Thing, and actually finally does do it, and kills a bunch of folks (slowly, too...), then that's Bush's Fault for not stopping him sooner.
And just remember - if someone blows up a high school picnic with a car bomb, we need to ban the assault rifles...
Dang, I'm getting GOOD at that kind of logic...

Every vote for a third party is one vote ahead for Hillary.

Or Obama. How many of you want to live with Illinois gun laws? Where you can't even TOUCH a gun without government permission.
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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #70 on: January 28, 2008, 07:47:01 AM »
Unfortunately I see it far too often, too.

When I was a reporter I interviewed in their home a family that was on welfare.

Brand new TV, elaborate stereo, good furnishings and clothes, and a nearly new Chevy in the driveway.

They're not the only ones I saw living to the same levels of affluence while on the dole.

Just down the street from my house is a Title 13 housing complex, Federally assisted cooperative housing.

I must be doing something wrong as the number of BMWs, Mercedes, and other high-end or high pricetag cars that have co-op parking stickers on them is sobering.
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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #71 on: January 28, 2008, 08:07:34 AM »
Oh, and a neighbor and I have a running joke... For a while, during the housing boom, people would buy, move in, and then the furniture rental truck would pull up... Either furniture, or a big screen for the new house.
"Well, they ain't gonna be 'round too long..."
One genius of a neighbor couldn't pay his mortgage, but he -could- pay to fence his back yard... A month before they moved out...
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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #72 on: January 28, 2008, 08:11:22 AM »
Sorry, I can't in good conscience vote for anymore Republicans.  This last bunch along with a Repub President expanded government to a size that would make even FDR blush.  Except FDR's spending actually accomplished something.  We still benefit today from the infrastructure built by the WPA, CCC, etc.   

Bush will leave deficits as far as the eye can see and we've got nothing to show for it.

If you want to trade absolute fiscal ruin in exchange for temporary permission to keep your semiauto EBR, I think your priorities are seriously misplaced.


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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #73 on: January 28, 2008, 08:17:23 AM »
Every vote for a third party is one vote ahead for Hillary.

And every vote for a Neo-Con is a vote for a horrid economy and trampled liberties.
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Re: Guys, I want you to take a pledge...
« Reply #74 on: January 28, 2008, 08:30:27 AM »
If you want to trade absolute fiscal ruin in exchange for temporary permission to keep your semiauto EBR, I think your priorities are seriously misplaced.

Hmm, economy or my civil right.  I will take my civil right everytime.  But, I guess I have my priorities wrong.  If you want to balance the budget, get rid of social entitlements, last figures I had was over 50% of the population got a suck at the govt teat.  And a full 2/3rds of them DID NOT PAY ANY TAXES.  Talk about a waste of money and skin.