Author Topic: How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?  (Read 19061 times)


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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #75 on: December 07, 2005, 06:44:53 PM »

Just asking, is there anyway that Wild and I can get back on THR?  Or at least Wild?  Both of us messed up, I attacked him, I don't remember if he attacked me back (was within his right but he should have used the email I guess, I don't know), but will you and staff consider a deviation of the rules to put the trolls, the idiots (us), and the reformed (us) to a vote as to the punishment of our crimes?

Me, my ban probably should stay in affect for another 6 months or so because I think that I did stupid things after the fact, I can't remember.  That was then, this is now and I'm getting the sauce under control.  Yet with Wild, if he was banned for his responses to my attacking him, I ask that he be reinstated.

The banned for life thing, really an extreme punishment for small infractions of the rules.  Trolling, people that continue to make the same mistakes, people that are just wanting to be a troll like person, granted, I understand that.

Yet, all punishments don't fit all crimes.  Just something to think about.  But no matter what the outcome, I will say that I appreciate the ability to post here even if I cannot on THR Smiley.


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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #76 on: December 07, 2005, 07:28:39 PM »
OK, my bad on the jufree servers thing.

I should have looked into it a lot more closely than I did.
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Oleg Volk

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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #77 on: December 07, 2005, 08:34:14 PM »

On ban reversal: I did all I could in creating APS. It had twin purpose: making THR more effective AND providing a hangout for you and me and WildAlaska. I am under certain constraints which check my own inclination to say "Yeah, sure!"

I don't consider the bad a punishment for a crime, more of a divorse between you and the forum based on a long-term incompatibility. Unlike TFL, where warning are seldome used, THR has a history of gradually escalated cautions and warnings which, eventually, resolve into a ban. We don't ask people to leave without a long history of belligerence (unless they are outright trolls or psychos, then the decision is easier).

If I come up with a solution to this problem that keeps everyone happy, I'll implement it. For now, please enjoy APS.


Art Eatman

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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #78 on: December 07, 2005, 08:51:20 PM »
My view about TFL and THR:  Both have in the mission statement, "To promote RKBA".

Now, pro-gun folks don't need persuading.  For 99% of anti-gun folks, any persuasive effort is a waste of time.

What's left are the fence-straddlers.  They've been told, among other things, that gun-folks are knuckle-dragging Neanderthals.

If we post stuff that seems to support the idea of KDNs, how do we convince the fence-straddlers, the neutrals, as to our own true, good-guy nature?  How do we promote RKBA if we--as a group--offend people by hostility, bad language and personal attacks?

"Attack ideas, not people" has been the rule for both TFL and THR since I first logged onto TFL in 1998.

It bothers me not at all if folks disagree with any idea I post.  All anybody has to do is point out where my logic is flawed, or that what I presume to be fact is erroneous.  That seems simple enough to me.

What I don't understand is some amount of emotional involvement in a subject which leads to an absence of self-control in a response, where the person is attacked in lieu of discussing the idea.

Heck, I could even tolerate the occasional insult, were there some imagination, cleverness and humor.  Ready examples include, "Sirrah, I shall not engage you in a battle of wits, for I would never attack an unarmed man."  Or, "Let's have a battle of wits.  I'll give you half of mine, so we can start even."  And, "When you get home tonight, I hope your mother crawls out from beneath the porch and bites you!"

Well, they're better than, "You disagree with me, so you're stupid."

Smiley, Art
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Oleg Volk

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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #79 on: December 07, 2005, 08:58:38 PM »

I can tolerate a lot of insults to me (many emails to a-human-right site start out as attacks), but I am vigilant in looking out for those I consider my guests (all THR members). Hence the drastic reaction -- I consider my actions on THR to be defense of a third parties who are enjoying my hospitality and who did not come to THR to be insulted.

Art Eatman

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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #80 on: December 07, 2005, 09:20:07 PM »
Aw, sure.  But there's teasing and joshing, and then there's vicious.  It's up to posters to make themselves clear.  That's why, from time to time, I bring up the old saw, "You have no duty to understand me.  It is my duty to make myself understood."  But, that's a two-way street.

Folks talk about banning.  I just flat-out hate to ban.  It means that I've failed as a moderator.  I should have spotted a problem before it got out of hand, and persuaded the "perp"--or perps--to mend his ways before anything drastic was needed.

But I don't see perfection, even when I shave...

Smiley, Art
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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #81 on: December 07, 2005, 11:22:18 PM »
If we post stuff that seems to support the idea of KDNs, how do we convince the fence-straddlers, the neutrals, as to our own true, good-guy nature?  How do we promote RKBA if we--as a group--offend people by hostility, bad language and personal attacks

I consider my actions on THR to be defense of a third parties who are enjoying my hospitality and who did not come to THR to be insulted.
And I, for one, appreciate it. You guys run a pretty tight ship and most of us have only an inkling of what you're up against.

I hate to see anybody get banned too because we lose the opportunity to maybe change their thinking but for those who can't be anything but a PIA what else can you do?
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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #82 on: December 07, 2005, 11:47:29 PM »
APS=THR Purgatory?

Did we just witness a nonbeliever get flushed into hell?

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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #83 on: December 08, 2005, 01:26:23 AM »
Quote from: brimic
APS=THR Purgatory?

Did we just witness a nonbeliever get flushed into hell?

I love it!   Only prayer will move you to the next level....THR or TFL.  Or God forbid, the "Letter to the Editor" newspaper column.   I think once a year, all banned posters should be given a pardon and allowed to participate in mainstream THR/TFL society.  When will our debt to internet society be paid?  What will be the recidivism rate?  Is the quality of forgiveness strained?  We CAN BE productive posters!   We have been rehabilitated!  It wasn't me anyhow!  Someone stole my identity!  I'm a VICTIM!
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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #84 on: December 08, 2005, 01:39:29 AM »
LET THE CRIES OF THE INTERNET DEAD (Walking Dead?) BE STILLED!  LET MY PEOPLE GO-IN (THR & TFL)!  If not now, when?  Even the Spanish Inquisition let the majority of the condemned go. "Let him without sin cast the first BAN!
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K Frame

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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #85 on: December 08, 2005, 06:55:16 AM »
I was banned from THR.

The ONLY reason I came here after I was told about it is because it doesn't focus on firearms or firearms politics (Masterpiece troll notwithstanding).

Being banned from THR was one of the more positive things that happened in my recent life.

If anyone's curiosity is raised by that statement, don't bother asking. I won't elaborate.
Carbon Monoxide, sucking the life out of idiots, 'tards, and fools since man tamed fire.


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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #86 on: December 08, 2005, 10:23:46 AM »
But Mike,

Ahhhhh....never mind.  I'll wait for mtnbkr to chime in.  Tongue
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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #87 on: December 08, 2005, 10:36:31 AM »
I strongly suspect I get under the moderators skin sometimes on THR, as my posts are usually contrarian (but rarely offensive).  Besides, they know in their hearts that I'm right. Smiley

Gun Runner

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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #88 on: December 08, 2005, 02:17:09 PM »
Quote from: Barbara
I got warned for asking someone how they tied their shoes after they stated that the only way a woman should be in the white house is with her head in a man's lap.
Not the only way a woman should be in the white house.  The only way a woman should be at the desk in the oval office.  There's a difference.

Edited to add...

I just realize you ban people now for offending you.  That's interesting.  Someone had better start making a list of topics to avoid so as not to offend the supreme grandmaster(s) of the board here.

I think I'm gonna start punching people who offend me.  Wait, there's plenty of folks in this world that already do that, and worse.
"I once took the high road and it took me straight to hell, and I stood there all by myself" - III


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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #89 on: December 08, 2005, 02:45:28 PM »
Quote from: Gun Runner
Quote from: Barbara
I got warned for asking someone how they tied their shoes after they stated that the only way a woman should be in the white house is with her head in a man's lap.
Not the only way a woman should be in the white house.  The only way a woman should be at the desk in the oval office.  There's a difference.
No, there's no difference. Both statements are equally vile, contemptible and ignorant.

Your post seems to exude the notion that you're owed the freedom to be offensive in another man's home. If you said such things in my home, you'd be gone quickly.

THR and APS are no different. We are all guests of a gracious host, and it would be wise to respond in kind.
"She could not have reached this white serenity except as the sum of all the colors, of all the violence she had known." - The Fountainhead
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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #90 on: December 08, 2005, 03:03:08 PM »
Frankly,  I have been monitoring TFL and THR less and less.  They are both fine for what they do but they are becoming increasingly boring and repetitive.  Time to move on but where?
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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #91 on: December 08, 2005, 04:21:20 PM »
Quote from: telewinz
Frankly,  I have been monitoring TFL and THR less and less.  They are both fine for what they do but they are becoming increasingly boring and repetitive.  Time to move on but where?
Yup.  After years of being on various boards, I find the same thing happens.  You have to take a break from time to time.  FWIW, I've found to be a good alternative.  It's not as busy as the others, but it's just as civil (more actually because it's smaller).



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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #92 on: December 08, 2005, 05:52:41 PM »
Quote from: Gun Runner
Quote from: Barbara
I got warned for asking someone how they tied their shoes after they stated that the only way a woman should be in the white house is with her head in a man's lap.
Not the only way a woman should be in the white house.  The only way a woman should be at the desk in the oval office.  There's a difference.

Edited to add...

I just realize you ban people now for offending you.  That's interesting.  Someone had better start making a list of topics to avoid so as not to offend the supreme grandmaster(s) of the board here.

I think I'm gonna start punching people who offend me.  Wait, there's plenty of folks in this world that already do that, and worse.
Again , no difference at all , Ignorant , Sexist and Idiotic , If you haven't met a woman who is as or more cabable than yourself or most men you know you've been living pretty sheltered .

As for the shot at Oleg , he created this forum for the enjoyment of the "Roundtable" crowd at THR , a friendly off topic board intended to be as unmoderated as possible and depending on the civility of the membership. Anyone banned here didn't have a history of "civility".

That was a pretty lowbrow shot at a person who's two boards you enjoy the FREE use of.

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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #93 on: December 08, 2005, 05:58:33 PM »
It's best to just walk away, vs. getting so wrapped up one gets banned.

I've seen a lot of folks get wrapped around the axle in forum feuds, that probably wouldn't have done so if they were face-to-face with the other party.

I liken it to Art's description of "Internet Keyboard Kommandos".
"Bother", said Pooh, as he chambered another round...

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Oleg Volk

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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #94 on: December 08, 2005, 06:13:21 PM »
I am also a THR/APS member. Attacks on me will get prosecuted, though I show more patience in my own case than when others are being mistreated.


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How many on APS have been banned on THR or TFL?
« Reply #95 on: December 08, 2005, 06:35:11 PM »

You have just uttered the most succinct absolute ethical and legal utterance that describes more completely the spirit of being an American than the millions of utterances that have been made in that regard for 2 centuries.

     "Attacks on me will get prosecuted, though I show more patience
      in my own case than when others are being mistreated."

                                                                                  Oleg Volk, 12-8-2005
Warm regards to my American friend,

"Never wrestle with a pig.  You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it."  G.B. Shaw