Author Topic: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP  (Read 77602 times)


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #75 on: August 29, 2008, 09:30:29 AM »
1.  Get Joe Six-pack's name right.  (It's Jimmy-Joe JIM-Bob.)
2.  Folks whose Family Tree does not fork, deserve recognition for what they are.

I'm not an elitist, I am a realist.

There is stratification in America, and there should be a standard -- beyond breathing -- to legally obtain such powerful tools.  (I'm pretty certain that most of America agrees.)  Not everyone deserves them.

That's just reality.

Okay, so you're using the insulting stereotype of Southerners. That'll win you friends here.

And deserve? Who deserves, then? People with, oh...lots of money? Like how only the rich and influential can get a NYC CCW? Like that?

You are assuming that some people are more prone to misuse a firearm merely because they're not arugula-eating chardonnay-sipping elitists with lots of money, and are okay with denying them their Constitutional rights.
Admit it.

I freaking hate elitists. They poison everything good about America.

I am saying that some people are more prone to misuse a firearm: YOU BET.  (Since we cannot tell who those people are...)

Furthermore, America is an Elitist Nation.  And?  That's not creating any issue, unless unilaterally bringing our justice to the world bothers you.  (It does me.)

America is poisoned by narcissistic and entitlement losers, who desire nothing beyond NASCAR and Pabst, who don't care to question what we do in the name of Ole' Glory.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #76 on: August 29, 2008, 09:31:54 AM »
Zeke, the reality is that you're okay with gun control. Period.

Interesting "all or nothing" distortion.

Because your argument is BROKEN. It's a broken record your ilk keeps playing.

Powerful tools? A baseball bat is a powerful tool, you can kill someone in seconds with it. Fire! Gasoline and matches are powerful, someone could burn down a building!

Restrict access to them all! It's for the good of the children...people...drum-circle potsmoking masturabatory whatevers! Sure!


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #77 on: August 29, 2008, 09:31:57 AM »
Allowing gun control in any way shape or form is allowing gun control - even if only a small amount. Being fine with people not being allowed to purchase firearms they want (in this case, full auto carbines) is gun control, pure and simple. The reasoning behind this, in your own words?

There is stratification in America, and there should be a standard -- beyond breathing -- to legally obtain such powerful tools.  (I'm pretty certain that most of America agrees.)  Not everyone deserves them.

Who decides what the standards are?
"Only lucky people grow old." - Frederick L.
September 1915 - August 2008

"If you really do have cancer "this time", then this is your own fault. Like the little boy who cried wolf."


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #78 on: August 29, 2008, 09:35:29 AM »
Allowing gun control in any way shape or form is allowing gun control - even if only a small amount. Being fine with people not being allowed to purchase firearms they want (in this case, full auto carbines) is gun control, pure and simple. The reasoning behind this, in your own words?

There is stratification in America, and there should be a standard -- beyond breathing -- to legally obtain such powerful tools.  (I'm pretty certain that most of America agrees.)  Not everyone deserves them.

Who decides what the standards are?

The voters?  Seems simple, to me.

The Annoyed Man

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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #79 on: August 29, 2008, 09:38:09 AM »
Back to where this all started, I think Zeke is right.  She was not chosen for her ethiocal stands, her conservative ideals, her position on RKBA or Roe v. Wade.  She was chosen because she was a woman that would appeal to the hard core right, many of the RINO's, and some of the women supporters of Hillary.  The fact that some us us find her to be a good choice doesn't mean she was chosen for thise reasons...

And, for what it's worth, I think Zeke has a valid point on gun control.  I may not entirely agree with him, but I can understand his point...


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #80 on: August 29, 2008, 09:42:46 AM »
Methinks if you can vote, one should be able to own a firearm.   Thus just show your voter registration card (which also doubles that your a responsable citizen who can vote if they wish and may be selected for jury duty).

Also I think that felons should not have the vote for X number of years after being released.  (but there are too many things that are felonies)

Just my .02 Lira.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #81 on: August 29, 2008, 09:42:56 AM »
She was chosen because she was a woman that would appeal to the hard core right, many of the RINO's, and some of the women supporters of Hillary.  The fact that some us us find her to be a good choice doesn't mean she was chosen for thise reasons

But since many of us are members of that far right you speak about, wouldn't the fact that some of us find her to be a good choice in fact be one of the reasons she was chosen?

Also, she's for drilling here and drilling now.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #82 on: August 29, 2008, 09:51:03 AM »
Zeke has a fraction of a point WRT the choice of Palin.  I suspect her sex was seen as a positive by McCain's camp.

But, I would bet her other characteristics were much more telling. 

Remember, McCain has not yet closed the deal with much of the Republican base and he won with fewer actual Republican primary votes than Romney.  A "get the gov't outta my life" conservative VPOTUS choice goes a long way to closing the deal.  Toss in McCain's age and possibly being a one-term POTUS (by choice or health), setting up such a politician for success for a POTUS run in 2012 or 2016, and there might be light at the end of the RINO tunnel.

If a Palin VP can get the Rep base energized or at least up from enervated, the choice will bring in many more votes than disgruntled Hillary supporters.

Romney would have been the establishmentarian, RINO-preferred choice.  He has his good points, esp WRT the economy & gov't executive experience.  IMO, the Palin choice is better, as she is a more well-rounded VPOTUS package.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #83 on: August 29, 2008, 10:00:59 AM »
A little commentary & two interviews of Palin. (in two posts)

McCain-Palin? Ill Be Thrilled   [Larry Kudlow]

If the rumors about Sarah Palin are true, I will be thrilled. Shes been my first choice all along. Shes a strong pro-life, supply-side, drill-drill-drill-ethics reformer who has worked hard to change the Ted Stevens culture-of-corruption problem in Alaska. A cheap-shot Democratic legislative investigation of Palin appeared to slow her momentum down a few weeks ago. But John McCain would electrify everyone if this choice pans out.


 Drill, Drill, Drill: My Interview with Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, frequently touted by conservatives as Sen. McCains running mate, gave an outstanding performance last night on Kudlow & Co. It was drill, drill, drill -- all the way. In particular, she said look, if the people of Alaska want to drill in ANWR, why should the Congress in Washington stop this? She added that there are tens of billions of more barrels of oil both onshore and offshore Alaska. Yes, it might take five years to get ANWR on line. But we have to start sometime to solve a problem of massive oil prices.

Gov. Palin also said John McCain is wrong about ANWR and that she hopes to persuade him of that. And she agreed with me that we need an America-first energy policy that deregulates and decontrols all possible energy sources, unleashing the U.S. energy business.

She was clearheaded and plainspoken. Very impressive. The unofficial transcript follows below.

Kudlow: All right, drill, drill, drill! Nobody does it better than Alaska, if only Congress would let it. So here to tell us all about it, Alaska Republican Governor Sarah Palin.

Governor Palin, thank you ever so much for coming on. We appreciate it. I want to start with this, its an oddball question. I mean, Senator McCain says it's too pristine to drill. Senator Obama says the drilling won't work. What is your response to this? How do you fight back?

Palin: Well it will work. And Senator McCain is wrong on that issue. Hes right on a whole lot of other issues, so thank goodness that hes understanding and evolving with his position on OCS [Outer Continental Shelf]. So thats encouraging. I think hes going to evolve into, eventually, supporting ANWR opening also.

Obama is way off base on all that. I think those politicians who dont understand that we need more domestic supply of energy flowing into our hungry markets, you know, theyre living in La-La Land. And were in a world of hurt if their agenda continues to be to lock up these safe, secure domestic supplies of energy.

Kudlow: Tell me about the world of hurt in your judgment. The criticism of ANWR is - this is what you hear from people in both political parties - theres not enough to matter, itll take too long, and it wont impact the price of oil internationally or gas at the pump. How do you respond to that?

Palin: Well it will impact, in a positive sense, the price of fuel eventually. Weve got to start somewhere. Again, weve got domestic supplies sitting there underground. The reserves are ready to be tapped. And you know, nowhere more than Alaska  Alaskans - would be impacted by development in ANWR. And here in Alaska, our constituents, the people who live here, want it drilled. So that tells you that we have confidence in the safety and the responsibility that well see there with the development of ANWR.

Remember too Larry, were talking about a sliver of the coastal plain of Alaska being explored and drilled for oil. Its about a footprint of a 2000-acre plot of land. Thats smaller than the footprint of LAX, for instance. So its not so grandiose an acreage that it is out of the realm of possibility for others to start understanding why it is that we can do this safely. We can have a small footprint, and not adversely impact the land, the wildlife, thats part of Alaska.

Kudlow: Well what do you have up there around ANWR? Is it a bunch of big fat blue flies? People say nobody goes up there. Humanoids dont populate it. Its just the blue flies. I mean, I want to keep blue flies healthy. Maybe you can tell us about that?

Palin: Well sure, we want to keep the blue flies healthy also. [Laughter]. But again, its a small portion of land up there. Alaskans understand that while we have these reserves underground, ready to be tapped, you know, we want to invite safe responsible development. We want those who can safely develop it. We want them to compete for the right to tap those resources and start feeding these hungry markets.

Kudlow: How long would it take? How long would it take? I hear so many, Senator Obama says this, and a lot of Democrats say this, some Republicans, how long will it take Governor? Whats your estimate on this? To start lifting out of ANWR?

Palin: Its going to take at least five years. You know, and there are other areas in Alaska too, that have the reserves that need to be tapped, certainly offshore. Theres trillions of cubic feet of natural gas, and billions of barrels of oil there too that need to be tapped. We also have a natural gas pipeline that is underway now, a process to get that constructed, where we can build infrastructure and allow known reserves of natural gas up on our North Slope - its already there, its already proven  to be tapped and flow through a natural gas pipeline. Our legislature is dealing with that issue right now, getting ready to license a company to build that gas line. Again, to feed these hungry markets.

Kudlow: Alright, so now youve got another case where both candidates seem to be off course. Senator Obama wants a windfall profits tax on oil companies. And Senator McCain talks about obscene profits, which I regard as the near cousin to the windfall profits tax. Whats your response to these criticisms?

Palin: Well we just went through a process of making sure that the oil and gas resources that Alaskans own are properly taxed. And we just increased a tax on profits of oil companies up here, because an earlier version of Alaskas tax formula had been corrupted by some politicians who are now in prison for the corruption. But we had to revisit the way that we were going to tax profits on oil companies. We just got through that, and it wasnt an obscene amount of tax placed upon them. In fact, its driven more by a desire to explore and to develop with independent companies coming into Alaska. So you know, on a national level, theyre going to have to deal with that, but we just dealt with it on Alaskas level. And we have a healthy valuation of our oil and gas reserves, and were deriving healthy revenue for our state off that.

Kudlow: Well are profits a dirty word? In energy, or other businesses?

Palin: Well no, of course not. And low taxes of course, we know spur the economy. Im a Republican. I am for low taxes. We have to make sure though that an appropriate value is placed oil and gas resources. And that the people who own these resources are able to benefit from the development of them. But no, profit is not a dirty word.

Kudlow: Why dont we just liberate, and decontrol, and deregulate the whole bloody energy business  whether its oil, gas, shale, nuclear, coal, natural gas, as well as wind and solar  why dont we just decontrol, deregulate, go for an America first energy policy? Get independent of Saudi Arabia? America first. Create all of these millions of high paying jobs. Why isnt anybody talking about that in this race? Thats the natural, Reaganesque thing to do. Isnt it?

Palin: Yeah absolutely! Youre hitting the nail right on the head. Thats what so many of us normal Americans are asking. The same thing. Why arent the candidates talking like that? Where we can secure America and we can be more independent when we talk about energy sources if we could drill domestically.

Here we sent [Energy] Secretary Bodman overseas the other day, and our president had to visit the Saudis a few weeks ago, to ask them to ramp up development. Thats nonsense. Not when you know that we have the supplies here. You have the supplies in your sister state called Alaska, where were ready, willing and were able to pump these supplies of energy, flow them into hungry markets across the U.S. We want it to happen. Its Congress holding us back.

Kudlow: Alright. Ive got some sound from Senator John McCain. Please take a listen.

[Video Clip:

Audience member: Would you consider Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for a vice-presidential running mate?

McCain: Could I say that this meeting is adjourned? [Laughter]. Were still going through the process, but the governor of Alaska is a wonderful person, and very popular in her state, and very honest and straightforward, and I think has a future in our party]

Kudlow: Alright Governor, you probably heard Senator McCain waltz his way through that one. Let me just ask you. If he asked you to be his vice-president, would you accept in light of your disagreement, apparently, over ANWR drilling?

Palin: Well Id like the opportunity to get to change his mind about ANWR, Ill tell you that. But Larry, Im gonna give you the same answer that any other potential VP gives you and that is you know, I really enjoy my job here in Alaska as governor. I believe that theres a lot that Alaska could be and should be doing to contribute to the rest of the U.S. And I think I can do that in my job here in Alaska. And I know that, again, the other potential VPs are saying the same thing that they like where they are today. So I also have to say though that its really probably out of the realm of possibility to be tapped for that position, so I dont even have to worry about it.

Kudlow: Well okay. Youve got a lot of work to do drilling up there to help the rest of America. But let me ask one final question. In your judgment, is it time for the Republican Party to put a woman on the ticket?

Palin: Oh, were overdue for that. Absolutely. I would love to see that happen.

Kudlow: Alright. Governor Sarah Palin, Alaska. Thank you very much Governor. Appreciate it.



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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #84 on: August 29, 2008, 10:01:19 AM »
Second interview


My Interview with Alaska Governor Sarah Palin   [Larry Kudlow]

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has exactly the high energy, political toughness, and conservative reform message that would boost Sen. John McCains presidential run if Big Mac were to put her on the ticket. In an interview last evening on CNBC, Palin was very clear on her drill, drill, drill message for Alaska and the rest of the U.S., along with her strong supply-side tax-cutting and free-market economic views. She did not shirk from questions about an investigation of her firing the states safety commissioner. She told us she has nothing to hide  let them bring it on.

Palin is dealing with Alaskas culture of corruption by supporting all manner of reform and investigation. She basically dissed Ted Stevens, calling him a distraction. She then talked about cleansing the Republican party of all the pork-barrel corruption that cost it the congressional election of November 2006.

Palins response to all the vice-presidential talk is fascinating. It was a point of view I have never heard before and it underscored her independence. I have interviewed all the veep prospects, and I still have Gov. Palin at the top of my list.

I hope readers will enjoy this interview:

Kudlow: All right, now were pleased to welcome back to the program the much talked about rising Republican star Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin. Welcome back Governor.

Palin: Thank you so much Larry.

Kudlow: Heres the bad news. The Congress is going to take their summer recess without a vote  not even a vote  on rolling back the moratorium on drilling onshore and offshore. Not even a vote. Nothing on ANWR. Nothing on shale. Nothing on the Outer Continental Shelf. Whats your reaction to this?

Palin: Well with all due respect to Congress, its pretty pathetic, that action theyve taken. I appreciate the Presidents call to lift the moratorium. I appreciate the Presidents call to drill in ANWR, to do all those things for American production opportunities. Very, very disappointed in Congress though.

Kudlow: You know we talked about a month ago, or last time you were on the program, you told me you were going to persuade Senator McCain to drill in ANWR. Now actually, McCains come a long way on drilling Outer Continental Shelf. Have you yet talked him into ANWR?

Palin: I have not talked him into ANWR yet. But yeah, arent you appreciative though that his mind has evolved into being open enough to say yes to that offshore? Obama certainly hasnt gone there. So, you know, for me its all the more reason to support the Republican ticket heading into the next era in American economy here. We certainly need this. We need it for American security, for energy independence. All those things we talked about last time. I think we need McCain in that White House despite, still, the close-mindedness on ANWR. I think hes going to get there though.

Kudlow: All right, well we need you to persuade him. Now youre fighting a battle in the state. You want to get a new natural gas pipeline, as I understand it. Youve got to get it through your state legislature. Youre going to run that up from the North Slope down through Canada and eventually to the lower forty-eight. Whats the state of play on that? Are you winning or losing on your new gas pipeline?

Palin: Were winning and Im glad that you asked that question. Its so timely because it could be today that our lawmakers vote yay or nay on the TransCanada pipeline, natural gas pipeline being built 1,700 miles. This is North Americas largest, most expensive, private sector infrastructure project in our history. Its $30 to $40 billion dollars to deal with the energy crisisget this safe, stable, clean domestic supply of energy and natural gas flowing from our rich reserves up in Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope of Alaska, into the hungry markets in the Midwest especially.

Kudlow: Now youre fighting with the legislature. You may get a vote this evening. Have you gone out and done a poll? Have you talked to the polar bears, and the caribou, and the large black flies? Are you sure? I want everyone on board here.

Palin: Well we do want everyone on board there. And as for the wildlife, you know, theyre doing just fine under the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline of course that has been up and running for thirty years in Alaska. So we think that even they will be on our side also, as we build this next economic lifeline for Alaska and for the rest of the U.S.

Kudlow: All right, let me go to some tougher issues up in Alaska, the so-called culture of corruption, this energy services company Veco, buying favors for state and federal contracts. I guess people linked to Veco, a couple of state legislators have been convicted, a couple more investigations, a couple more being indicted, and Senator Ted Stevens has now been caught in that loop. What can you tell us about Senator Stevens? Have you spoken to him since his seven criminal charges?

Palin: No, I havent spoken to him yet. And you know, it was very dismaying. It was like an earthquake that hit up here in Alaska the other day with that indictment. Very sad. Hopefully though, this wont be a distraction and get peoples minds off what has to be done in the grand scheme of things here. And its like what youre talking about all the time Larry, it is energy independence that is needed for this country. And we need folks in Congress, in the Senate, who understand that we do have to drill, that we have to unlock the lands here in Alaska, and allow, through competition, entities competing for the right to tap these resources and flow energy sources into hungry markets.

So hopefully, the Ted Stevens issues wont be a distraction. But yeah, lots and lots of damage has been done by this oil industry service company, Veco. You know we have some local lawmakers who are serving prison time right now for their undue influence, their corruption, their bribery that was involved in this oil services company. Now Ted Stevens, as you mentioned, is embroiled in this also. Not good for Alaska. But hopefully&

Kudlow: Well what about the Republican Party in general? I mean, it seems to me the GOP has just got to cleanse itself of all the pork barrel corruption, lobbying, cash-for-favors that cost them the Congress back in November 2006. And for better or worse, Mr. Stevens has served for a very long time, Im not here to judge him. Im merely here to report the fact that hes in a heap of trouble. I mean, shouldnt he resign for example? Shouldnt leaders like yourself and elsewhere just say, Senator, all right, clean break, please resign?

Palin: Well, I thought that it would be my job as governor working on the state level with those who were indicted for the corruption and bribery, to call for their stepping down. And thats what I did. And for the most part they have stepped down. And again, some of them are facing prison terms now and are in prison. But as for Senator Stevens, still not knowing enough about that indictment yet. I think that two days later it would be premature for me to chime in and say whether he has to step down or not.

But youre absolutely right on the cleansing thats needed in our party, in the Republican Party. And you know I think Senator McCain is on the right track with the earmark reform that he is so adamant about. Im right there with him. We for instance here in Alaska, our administration, we cancelled that Bridge to Nowhere. You know, we know that that earmark was not in Alaskas, it wasnt in the nations best interest. So were going to be a part of that reform also. Its absolutely necessary, or the Republican agenda, which I do believe is the right agenda for Alaska and for&

[Technical disruption]

Kudlow: &Governor Palin youre back. Okay. You see that? Im going to call it divine intervention, trumping the technological difficulties. I appreciate your comments on Senator Stevens and the rest. Let me ask you this. Wall Street Journal today is running a story about yourself. The possibility of a state probe, Alaskas Palin Faces Probe. Its I guess an independent prosecutor. You [allegedly] tried to get your former brother-in-law fired as a state trooper. Now the legislature is trying to come after you. Whats this about? What can you tell us here?

Palin: Well, a couple of lawmakers who were pretty angry with me for replacing& [Technical disruption]&at-will political appointment who was serving in my cabinet which every governor does, a couple lawmakers who were not happy with that decision certainly are looking at me as a kind of target right now, and wanting to probe and find out why I did replace this cabinet member. And its cool. I want them to ask me the questions. I dont have anything to hide. And I didnt do anything wrong there. And it is a governors prerogative, a right, to fill that cabinet with members whom she or he believes will do best for the people whom we are serving. So I look forward to any kind of investigation or questions being asked because Ive got nothing to hide.

Kudlow: Governor Palin, people want to know why you did fire your police commissioner, or public safety commissioner Monegan. And is it because he stopped you from getting rid of your brother-in-law or what? People want to know if this is an ethical lapse on your part.

Palin: Im glad that youre asking, because I never tried to fire a former brother-in-law whos been divorced from my sister for quite some time. No, it was the commissioner, that we were seeking more results, more action, to fill vacant trooper positions to deal with bootlegging and alcohol abuse problems in our rural villages especially. We just needed some new direction, a lot of new energy in that position. That is why the replacement took place there of the commissioner of public safety. It had nothing to do with an estranged former brother-in-law, a divorce that had happened some years ago.

Kudlow: All right. You have a legion of fans who want you to become Senator McCains vice-presidential candidate. In fact, on the worlds largest pay-to-play prediction market, betting parlor, called InTrade, you are in third place with a 20 percent support probability behind former Governor Romney and present Governor of Minnesota Pawlenty. Is this police flap, state investigation, going to disqualify you from becoming Senator McCains vice-presidential candidate?

Palin: Well it shouldnt disqualify me from anything, including progressing the states agenda here towards more energy production so we can contribute more to the U.S. Nor should it dissuade any kind of agenda progress in any arena because again, I havent done anything wrong. And through an investigation of our lawmakers who are kind of looking at me as a target, we invite those questions so that we can truthfully answer the questions.

But as for that VP talk all the time, Ill tell you, I still cant answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does everyday? Im used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that were trying to accomplish up here for the rest of the U.S., before I can even start addressing that question.

Kudlow: Well I worked in the White House during President Reagans first term, let me assure you, and Ive spent a lot of time in the Bush White House as a journalist in meetings with interviews. Its a pretty big job, Madame Governor. Its a real big job. Youd be surprised by how big the veep job is these days!

Palin: Well this is a pretty cool job here too though as Governor of Alaskathe wealthiest state in the union in consideration of the natural resources that we have. Again, and we being in a position ready, willing and able to tap these resources, flow them into hungry markets across the U.S. to lead towards a more secure nation; to lead towards a more peaceful nation also and energy independence. All those things that Alaska should be contributing. I think that I can help do that as Governor of Alaska.

Kudlow: All right, last one. McCain is ahead in Alaska, but its only 45-40 over Obama. Its a traditional Republican state. Why isnt this a bigger lead for Mac? Whats he got to do up there to make sure you carry Alaska?

Palin: Thats a good question. And you did your homework, Larry. Thats impressive. Usually yes, such a red state up here. Its a no-brainer that the R is going to take the cake up here. But this is a little bit different situation now with Obamas message resonating, even with Alaskans. That being change, a desire for no embracing of the status quo and politics as usual. But something different, something dynamic and charismatic. That does resonate well, that message of Obamas. I still do believe of course McCain will take Alaska because hes right on so many of the issues when it comes to  in my opinion  hes right on war, hes right on with energy independence measures that need to be taken. Wrong on ANWR, but were still working on that one.

Kudlow: Governor Sarah Palin, terrific stuff. We know youre busy. Good luck on the pipeline vote coming up this evening. We appreciate your visiting with us very much.

Palin: Thank you so much sir.



“Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.”
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #85 on: August 29, 2008, 10:28:59 AM »
I've been saying for months that McCain should pick Palin.  When I left the house this morning, there was no mention of it yet but when I got to work 20 minutes later, I was absolutley shocked that he picked her.  I wasn't planning on voting for McCain but I am now. 

As for the investigation about her firing the Public Safety Commissioner, she fired him because he wouldn't do his job and fire the guy her sister was married to.  Why did he need to be fired?  Because he zapped his wife's kid with his tazer, got caught drinking in a patrol car while off-duty, threatened his FIL, and illegally shot a moose on his wife's tag.

from this thread:
Oh, Lord, please let me be as sanctimonious and self-righteous as those around me, so that I may fit in.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #86 on: August 29, 2008, 10:41:42 AM »
Because he zapped his wife's kid with his tazer

Well, the kid asked him to do it.  Sorta moves him out of the sadistic category and into the retard one.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #87 on: August 29, 2008, 10:57:34 AM »
Quote from: Ezekiel on Today at 01:24:20 PM
Quote from: scout26 on Today at 12:34:18 PM
Who would you say is a better pick ??

Romney is a single, obvious, answer.
Mitt . . . the guy who came right out and said he supported the Second Amendment and a ban on assault weapons.

Yeah, right . . . 

I don't see that as mutually exclusive.

I would hazard that neither does most of America.

Do you know why that's bolded, Ezekiel?

Because "Assault Weapon" is a political term, created by Brady and Company, to label all the semiautomatic rifles that eventually went into the AWB.  There is no such kind of gun.  Assault Rifles, like soldiers use, are select-fire weapons that require a Class III license to purchase, as well as a suitcase full of money, because there are so few on the market.

Assault weapon is a sign of ignorance, Ezekiel, which you attribute to the Bubba Jim Bobs (and why don't we just come out and say "Redneck", OK?).  The people who hate guns spread their hate through fear, and distortion about guns is their main weapon.  Truth is, there are already reasonable restrictions on the purchase of firearms, like the NICS instant check that prevents felons from purchasing.

I must say, this is a strange place to find someone who wants more firearms restrictions.
If life gives you melons, you may be dyslexic.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #88 on: August 29, 2008, 10:58:17 AM »
I've been saying for months that McCain should pick Palin.  When I left the house this morning, there was no mention of it yet but when I got to work 20 minutes later, I was absolutley shocked that he picked her.  I wasn't planning on voting for McCain but I am now. 

As for the investigation about her firing the Public Safety Commissioner, she fired him because he wouldn't do his job and fire the guy her sister was married to.  Why did he need to be fired?  Because he zapped his wife's kid with his tazer, got caught drinking in a patrol car while off-duty, threatened his FIL, and illegally shot a moose on his wife's tag.

from this thread:

In Obama's Chicago, the PSC would get a better paying do-nothing job and the BIL would get promoted.  
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #89 on: August 29, 2008, 11:13:22 AM »
Allowing gun control in any way shape or form is allowing gun control - even if only a small amount. Being fine with people not being allowed to purchase firearms they want (in this case, full auto carbines) is gun control, pure and simple. The reasoning behind this, in your own words?

There is stratification in America, and there should be a standard -- beyond breathing -- to legally obtain such powerful tools.  (I'm pretty certain that most of America agrees.)  Not everyone deserves them.

Who decides what the standards are?

The voters?  Seems simple, to me.

You're right Zeke, we need to keep those guns out of the hands of "those" people. *wink*  They're just not smart enough to have anything that dangerous.   While we're at it, they need our help as they just can't figure out life, the poor dears.  Maybe if we gave them free housing and food they'll learn to make better choices, if not, well we'll just take care of them for the rest of their lives.  It's a shame they're not smart enough and tend to drop out of high school, but we know that's all we can expect from "them" *wink*.   
Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won't help.

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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #90 on: August 29, 2008, 11:53:35 AM »
I don't think Jimmy-Joe Jim-Bob should be able to roll down to Wal*Mart and buy all the full-auto .223 and 7.62x39 carbines he wants, just because he has the cash: but that's another thread.

Are you just ignorant or what ....Huh?

Zeke, why don't you just jump on your skateboard and roll on down to Walmart and buy yourself a full-auto AK-47 ?   Tell us how it works out rolleyes

Say "hi" to my cousin Bubba while you are there Tongue
Freedom is a heavy load, a great and strange burden for the spirit to undertake. It is not easy. It is not a gift given, but a choice made, and the choice may be a hard one. The road goes upward toward the light; but the laden traveller may never reach the end of it.  - Ursula Le Guin


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #91 on: August 29, 2008, 12:11:59 PM »
why don't you just jump on your skateboard and roll on down to Walmart and buy yourself a full-auto AK-47?

Thankfully, we can't.

But the rabid 2A zealots would like every citizen to be able to.

That's terribly unintelligent.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #92 on: August 29, 2008, 12:18:15 PM »

Thankfully, we can't.

But the rabid 2A zealots would like every citizen to be able to.

That's terribly unintelligent.

Is that anything like the rabid anti's who want us defenseless and completely dependant upon the government for our every need?

That's terribly oppressive.
He never brought you an unbalanced budget, which is a perennial joke. He never voted himself a wage increase and, to this day, gives back part of his salary every year. He has always voted to preserve the Constitution, cut government spending, lower healthcare costs, end the war on drugs, secure our borders with immigration reform and protect our civil liberties.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #93 on: August 29, 2008, 12:23:10 PM »

Thankfully, we can't.

But the rabid 2A zealots would like every citizen to be able to.

That's terribly unintelligent.

Is that anything like the rabid anti's who want us defenseless and completely dependant upon the government for our every need?

That's terribly oppressive.

It's not even close.

You shouldn't be able to run down to QT and pick up a B.A.R., like shopping for socks, just because you have the jack.

Not having a B.A.R., doesn't make you defenseless.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #94 on: August 29, 2008, 12:25:29 PM »
Thankfully, we can't.

So why are you wanting another "assault weapon" ban Huh?

That's terribly unintelligent.  rolleyes
Freedom is a heavy load, a great and strange burden for the spirit to undertake. It is not easy. It is not a gift given, but a choice made, and the choice may be a hard one. The road goes upward toward the light; but the laden traveller may never reach the end of it.  - Ursula Le Guin


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #95 on: August 29, 2008, 12:26:17 PM »
Thankfully, we can't.

So why are you wanting another "assault weapon" ban Huh?

That's terribly unintelligent.  rolleyes

I never indicated such.  But:

You shouldn't be able to run down to QT and pick up a B.A.R., like shopping for socks, just because you have the jack.

Not having a B.A.R., doesn't make you defenseless.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #96 on: August 29, 2008, 12:33:28 PM »
Thankfully, we can't.

So why are you wanting another "assault weapon" ban Huh?

That's terribly unintelligent.  rolleyes

I never indicated such.  But:

You shouldn't be able to run down to QT and pick up a B.A.R., like shopping for socks, just because you have the jack.

Not having a B.A.R., doesn't make you defenseless.

Zeke, I know you getting called out on your views related to gun control, but you really haven't given any supporting rationale to your argument.

Tell us why you think someone shouldn't be able to buy a automatic weapon at a big box mart.

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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #97 on: August 29, 2008, 12:40:00 PM »
Thankfully, we can't.

So why are you wanting another "assault weapon" ban Huh?

That's terribly unintelligent.  rolleyes

I never indicated such.  But:

You shouldn't be able to run down to QT and pick up a B.A.R., like shopping for socks, just because you have the jack.

Not having a B.A.R., doesn't make you defenseless.

Zeke, I know you getting called out on your views related to gun control, but you really haven't given any supporting rationale to your argument.

Tell us why you think someone shouldn't be able to buy a automatic weapon at a big box mart.

To be able to do so, unilaterally, is inherently dangerous.

Why do we have DL's?  Why is there a minimum age restriction for alcohol?

There are segments of the public -- LARGE segments -- that should not be trusted with a .22, let alone a full-auto 7.62x39.

We need to police them.  I do not mean by letting everyone ELSE carry whenever/wherever they desire to, that's akin to saying John Q. can all drive tanked and we'll have a free-for-all in society, but by making such things inherently difficult to obtain.


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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #98 on: August 29, 2008, 12:40:33 PM »
You shouldn't be able to run down to QT and pick up a B.A.R., like shopping for socks, just because you have the jack.

Why not ??

(Why do I have this image of Major Pitcairn saying "Disperse you damn rebels !!, Lay down your arms and disperse !!  IIRC, it was because the powers that be didn't think that colonists should have a cannon.  I mean you don't need a cannon for defense now do you ??)
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Re: Chicago Tribune: It's Palin for VP
« Reply #99 on: August 29, 2008, 12:41:45 PM »
We need to police them.
I see.  So we, ie, you, need to police them.  Who is them?  Who decides who needs to be policed?  Why are YOU included in the WE?